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Crossing blades with one big bad monster
Check all the chests you come across, you never know when you'll find something useful
Battling with rolling beasts in a tight space with low ability to evade the attacks
Every now and then you'll find some scroll or a book that will give you some explanation of the story and what's been happening lately
Fight in the cavern
To jump or not to jump, that is the question
Ambushed in the forest, yup, they just appeared out of nowhere
Having a chit-chat with the cowardly peasants that locked you in with the monsters
Surrounded and entrapped
Fishing the last of the attackers
When you strike the demon, it will release soul parts which you can absorb, but you gotta be quicker than his fellow demon
Demons are attacking peasants and soldiers
Judging by the amount of corpses, there was some serious battle on this bridge
Checking the map of your current location
Magic mirrors are the only place where you can save the game or enhance your weapons and armour
Samanosuke saves the princess right at the start, but his luck doesn't last for too long
Samanosuke fights two demons that kidnapped the princess
Determining the strength of the opponent before the fight
Kaede is a female ninja sent to kill Samanosuke, but later became his sidekick
Up close on the main protagonist
Arrow piercing Nobunaga's throat will stop him alright... but for how long?
Samanosuke is a samurai with some gutsy moves up his sleeve
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aktualisiert: 14.11.2024, 12:11 Uhr | 11 Bilder
aktualisiert: 12.03.2021, 04:03 Uhr | 11 Bilder
aktualisiert: 08.03.2022, 14:03 Uhr | 7 Bilder
aktualisiert: 25.09.2024, 12:09 Uhr | 13 Bilder
aktualisiert: 13.09.2024, 11:09 Uhr | 10 Bilder
aktualisiert: 05.09.2024, 10:09 Uhr | 5 Bilder
aktualisiert: 18.07.2024, 17:07 Uhr | 3 Bilder
aktualisiert: 07.07.2024, 12:07 Uhr | 15 Bilder
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Onimusha: Warlords
Genre: Action
Release: 15.01.2019 (PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch), 06.07.2001 (PS2), 2002 (Xbox)
Genre: Strategie
Entwickler: Distractionware Limited
Release: 13.08.2019 (PC), 11.11.2021 (Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One), 16.12.2020 (Switch)
Genre: Adventure
Entwickler: Frogwares Game Development
Release: 30.09.2014 (PC, PS4, Xbox One, PS3, Xbox 360), 03.02.2022 (Switch)
Genre: Rollenspiel
Entwickler: BioWare
Release: 14.05.2021 (PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S)
Genre: Action-Adventure
Entwickler: Pulsatrix Studios
Release: 28.06.2022 (PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One)
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