Alpha Team, sent in to rescue the president... soon to be gone forever.
Swimming with Emma on your back.
Raiden and Snake doing some team work.
Hmmm, looks like the entire crew onboard has been killed...
But... Snake doesn't shot women, does he? ;)
Even snake can be caught by a surprise.
Although this is an action-espionage, the game's filled with long dialogues.
You can switch between first-person and top-down perspective at any time.
Shootout with Olga on the tanker.
Snake got caught by the probe.
Entering the Big Shell compound.
Giving a name to your character (typical for japanese games).
You can even put asleep seagulls (yup, this game has highly developed detail and freedom of choices level).
Leaning against the wall will give you very effective camera angle for sneaking.
When you render unconscious an enemy soldier, you can move him away from visible spot (ie. toss him into locker).
Incoming choppers (soldiers coming to overtake the Big Shell).
Your girlfriend (she'll be your save-game host).
Yup, these soldiers surely have a good taste, as you can find nice women pictures on every corner.
After you finish the game, you play as Raiden or Snake against main bosses.
Main Menu (Tanker Episode)
Strange Uniform !
He he, he is not going to find me !
Your USP has a light
Oops !!!
Maybe there are items up here
You can't stay there for long Snake!
From the Intro
From the Intro, Guards are mean this time
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