Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Eternal Duelist Soul Game Boy Advance
Watch your calendar... each duel takes a day and when you reach certain days, you can take part in tournaments
Easily check your record and see whether you normally win, lose, or tie each duelist
After editing your deck, check the deck's statistics to help you decide if it is the way you want it
If you want to look at a card to see what it is, just view it close up
Edit your deck in the deck editor
This is what was inside one of the booster packs
If you win a duel, you can choose a booster pack of cards to add to your deck. The available booster packs are determined by various things in the game
Talking to your opponent afterwards
Once your opponent's Life Points are reduced to 0, you win!
If your opponent has no defense, your direct attack will damage them badly
Look through the graveyards during a game to see what you might have use of if you have a card that can access the graveyards
If your defense is good, their attack will hurt them instead of you
Begin each battle by seeing who goes first using Paper, Rock, Scissors
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