You'll run into many survivors on your journey, that you can save with your cube-storage thingy.
Seeing how aliens communicate through light source, hence the L.E.D. name.
One of the boss battles, against L.E.D. Battlecruiser.
Piloting L.E.D. craft.
Making new acquaintances, meeting new friends, the normal stuff on Mars.
With a bioscan you can see some souls not visible by naked eye.
Riding something... err, spider-ish, to climb over highly unpassable terrain.
But aside from being constantly running, Wheeler will get to commandeer several intriguing vehicles in the game.
At some point in the game, you'll equip your suit with a booster that will let you jump a bit higher.
When wearing the suit, you should always pay attention to the blue bar indicating your oxygen level.
You'll also get a chance to play some other characters you'll come across in the story.
Hmm, looks like these rocks are blocking the way and I just don't have grenade strong enough to clear it, but what if....
You have no idea how happy will IRIS be when she realises what kind of a body you got for her. Now she can turn on even the coldest bots, literally.
Thanks to IRIS, you can use this hover bot to reach otherwise unreachable places.
Sometimes IRIS will need your help with circuits and signals to override something.
Showdown with L.E.D.s.
Using sniper to zoom in on some vermin.
Infra-red vision will help you see enemies even through the closed doors and walls.
Whenever lost consult maps, assuming IRIS has provided you some.
Gliding down the ladder, much cooler than just climbing down.
Encountering a colonist... that looks kinda out of shape. What just happened on Mars, did aliens attack by any chance?
Whenever you get in/out, you'll have to wear an oxygen suit, and yes, oxygen wears off in time.
Landing on Mars... or better say, crashing.
Aside from good looking and being able to commandeer all the bots, I.R.I.S. will be your guide most of the way.
Computers like these are common phenomenon on Mars, this is one way of interacting with your IRIS.
Electroscan will highlight all objects you can take or interact with.
RTX comic, unlocked after certain level.
Our hero is always ready to do some world saving stuff.
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