Incoming! A Washington quarterback anxiously looks for a receiver as two Titans come barreling down on him.
Watch out for the Gatorade. Even the coaches are well-rendered in the game.
Smooth interface. The play selection screen is fairly straightforward, and provides a quick player with some animation to watch while his or her opponent makes a decision.
Ready for my close-up. The replay feature allows you to watch in detail the events of the play, from multiple angles and even in extreme close-up.
We're number one! The player models move very fluidly and realistically, and even include faces capable of emotions.
In the spotlight. There are a good number of diverse post-touchdown victory dances.
On a roll. Trivial in game stats appears during the game, both duplicating TV coverage and making it fun to achieve personal goals.
Home turf adavantage. Commonplace among football games, Madden features various weather effects, as well as differences between grass and astroturf.
Not the football they're used to. Madden 2000 includes a few international teams, like this team from Spain.
Take down. A pair of Packers ensure than the Bear receiver doesn't get far.
Alone in the pocket. Some of the camera views provide very tv-like displays, including the yellow lines representing the first down line.
Salary? I could retire on the signing bonus alone! The create-a-player option allows you to make a pretty close rendition of yourself in the game.
Domes may be a travesty to some football fans, but even the most ardent opponent of them has to appreciate how the stadiums are rendered.
A pretty large playbook. The animated opening menu leads you to the many options in available in this edition of Madden Football.
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