Find some water to put out these fires
You'll need to find a way to put out that fire
A giant rock eye! Now how can I defeat this thing?
You'll need a fully powered four sword to get past
What's going on here? How can I enter that building with everyone blocking the door?
Strange things appear out of the ground to attack you here
A lily pad jumping puzzle
This guy is knocking the force gems out of me!
A large ghost spitting fire?!
Sneaking through a basement
Swimming underwater to sneak past the searchlights
Can moving this house around possibly useful?
Some enemies you'll have to fight in your Gameboy Advance
This guy offers you some useful advice
Super Mario Bros. style walls of fire!
Lost in a maze of fire
Entering some sort of temple...
Can you sneak past these canons?
Fighting off enemies in a diamond formation
Avoid the fire and explosions
I found a boomerang in an underground cave!
If you don't have a Gameboy Advance, a window appears on screen
The status screen
There's some suspicious activity in this town...
It's a giant bomb! Escape to your Gameboy Advance!!
Exploring along the shore
Near the beginning of the game this guy will teach you about formations
The level select screen
Title screen
Part of the opening animation
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