Playing tanagram minigame with Hideya will unravel you the next location you should visit.
Exploring the gardens of Yoshinodou mansion.
Instead of having selectable sentences as answers, you select topic you wanna discuss further.
Talking to Youko, Hideo's wife.
Your notebook serves as main ingame menu where you can check out the map, people, documents you acquired, evidence, and more.
Game is split into several chapters that usually end/being after a murder occurs.
Hmm, I could swear I saw someone in this mansion that looks just like the woman in the picture.
Shiny beads you collect at various places are heart fragments that may affect Emi as well as the ending.
Each time you enter different part of the mansion, you'll get a clear message of where you are... every time.
During your exploration, you won't hear any voice acting, just textual description.
Your character becomes transparent when you roll mouse cursor over him, as well as clock shifts to opposite side if necessary to give you clear shot for your point of interest.
Now what do we have here, looks like someone lost a necklace while bathing, or... hmm.
You can get flashes of what other people think, or when you touch certain object or are at certain place, that may help you put all the puzzles together.
The usual suspects.
Detective Ihara, who seems sure body count is going to increase during these long three days.
Quick-time events occur only during some pre-rendered cutscenes.
Checking out the wine cellar for some clues.
During starting chapter, you'll get several flashes as to how you got into this mystery and met Emi.
Looks like you managed to slide back in time fine, but Emi seems to have some corporeal difficulties.
The gardener. Each new character you meet gets introduced to you like this.
On easy mode, cursor will glow when you roll it over something you must inspect.
A little tutorial during introductory chapter.
A-ha! Found the key under the sofa. Wonder what's it for.
How most of the games start.
A typical expression of the main protagonist, Takashi Kagetani.
Takashi and Emi, in the present time, exploring Yoshinodou mansion.
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