Only way to travel between worlds is by gummi boat.
World Map
Cleaning the captain's cabin of the pest.
Just sometimes, you'll get real ability to fly, and gain advantage over some enemies.
When you get the party ability to glide, you won't feel the need to walk anymore 'cos this is so much more fun.
When Bambi is summoned, you won't have to think twice about your magic resources.
Summoning one of the feiries will keep you and your party constantly under healing.
Summoning Simba, the lion king. While summoned, your party cahracters will withdraw from battle for the time being.
Performing one of the summonings.
Using magic to heal yourself during the combat.
Fighting against one of the biggest, but not meanest, bosses. Locking him for a clear hit while on top of him.
When in Rome... your characters adjust to the surroundings quite vividly.
Disney's characters are not only better in 3D, but look quite gorgeous, too.
Since Aladdin's not at home, I might just as well borrow his flying carpet.
Jumping from vein to vein is easier then falling from it, actually.
Whacking the minions of darkness always give you back some health or mana balls.
Locking on the target can be helpful, but also give an aid to enemy if they attack in groups.
Shops are still there to buy some basic accessories and weapons, but real items can only be acquired out on the field.
You start to really appreciate graphics when looking through the eyes of your character.
One of the things to surprise you at firt may be nice character movement, variety of moves in general, and interaction with objects.
Unlike any movies in FF games, Sora can climb the trees as well, and shake down some coconut as well.
Some places are so temptingly beautiful you might wish to be ingame, literally.
Getting to know some characters from Final Fantasy series.
Each place has its own unique opening screen.
Main Title (ingame)
Sora telling Kairi his dream-alike experience.
Main Menu
Sora and Kairi from the opening FMV. Aside from intro and outro, all other movies are using ingame graphic.
Sora, main protagonist of the game.
Main Title (FMV)
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