Nachdem Path of Exile 2 am vergangenen Freitag in die kostenpflichtige, ca. 6-12 Monate andauernde Early Access-Phase auf PS5, Xbox Series X/S und PC gestartet ist, hat Entwickler Grinding Gear Games soeben die Inhalte des ersten großen Patches angekündigt.
Wann erscheint das erste große Update? Der Patch wird noch in dieser Woche plattformübergreifend ausgerollt. Wann genau, ist jedoch noch unklar.
Die größten Änderungen aus Patch 1
Wie der Entwickler schreibt, hat man sich bei den ersten Änderungen vor allem am Feedback der PoE 2-Community orientiert. Und schauen wir uns die wichtigsten Punkte aus Patch 1 an, so werden tatsächlich einige der übers Wochenende meist kritisierten Mechaniken angepackt.
- Verbesserte Ausweichrollen: Monster blockieren seltener den Weg
- Neue Checkpoints: Unter anderem an Ein- und Ausgängen neuer Zonen
- Besserer Loot: Wie genau der implementiert wird, wird noch nicht gesagt
- Droprate verschiedener Währungen erhöht: Unter anderem die Lesser Jewellers Orbs dropen nun 33% öfter
Weiter unten führen wir euch den kompletten Blog-Post mit allen Änderungen auf. Sobald die vollständigen Patch Notes live sind, bekommt ihr von uns die Info.
Path of Exile 2 - Test-Video zur Early-Access-Version
Alle Änderungen aus Patch 1 für Path of Exile 2
Dodge Roll Changes
A lot of players have expressed frustration about being trapped in by monsters. While it is intended that monsters are able to trap and kill you, we felt that the frequency of this was a little too high.
- Player size is now set to Zero units while dodge rolling instead of One unit
- Some smaller monsters can now be pushed while dodge rolling. This includes monsters such as the Adorned Beetles in Keth.
This should result in getting trapped less often.
Note that you can still be trapped. A player size of a zero can still not phase through monsters, but it can get through even the smallest gap between them.
Checkpoint Changes
A lot of players have been reporting that it can be tedious to need to retread areas of maps in order to get back to objectives that they already found.
- Clicking on a checkpoint will allow you to teleport to other checkpoints in the area that are explored on your minimap
- Checkpoints have been added to all entrances and exits of zones to allow for teleportation
- A Checkpoint has been added to the midpoint of the first Dreadnaught area
We will be making further adjustments to checkpoint positions as we continue to gather feedback.
Item Changes
One of the major problems that players have been experiencing is feeling that the game is not rewarding enough. This is an area that we have to be very careful when adjusting because it's very hard to reduce drops if we increase them by too much.
We have identified a few key areas that we believe will significantly improve the experience that players are having.
Rare Monster Changes
We felt that Rare monsters were not rewarding enough. This didn't affect the campaign as much because there are more Unique bosses, increasing the overall amount of drops, but it's especially noticeable when playing in the endgame where Unique monsters are less common.
In particular, the reward that you were getting for the increased difficulty of rares wasn't lining up.
- Rarity bonus per rare mod has been doubled
- +10% Quantity bonus per rare mod
- Increased the chance of rare monsters inherently having more modifiers as you progress through endgame
These changes will cause rare monster rewards to naturally scale up as you get to higher levels because the number of mods a monster can have increases throughout the campaign and into endgame. In addition, many other forms of map juicing will indirectly cause rare monsters to have more mods as well, increasing the rewards of these other mechanics too. Also note the change below to make sure each map has a minimum number of rares which will also increase the average number of rare mods, and thus increasing drops further.
Currency Changes
We felt that players were not getting enough of certain currency either in the early game, or to sustain adding mods to maps.
- Regal orb drop rates increased around 40%
- Disenchanting of six mod rares to give two regal shards instead of one.
- Lesser Jewellers orbs drop rates increased around 33%
- Reduced the drop rate of Chaos Orbs slightly as they are less valued and so that it doesn't consume so much of the "rare currency" drop pool. This causes currency such as Exalted Orbs to increase somewhat.
- Gemcutter's Prism drop rates increased by 500%
- Gemcutter's Prisms now increase quality on gems by 5% instead of 1%
Map Mod Changes
Like with rares, we felt that players were not being rewarded enough for the difficulty that was being added by map mods. We have significantly increased the value of all prefix map mods.
We have changed all map prefix mods, but some example changes we have deployed are:
- Rarity mods have been increased by 2.5x
- Quantity mods have had extra rarity added to them (This is now in a later patch)
- We removed the bottom tier of some mods
- You are much more likely to roll modifiers that affect drops or pack size rather than less useful mods
In addition, it has been identified that some areas are not being affected by the "Increased Number of Monster Packs" mod as they should be. We will be fixing these maps to work correctly in a later patch.
"Unlucky" Drop Protection
One of the major issues we have identified are outlier "unlucky" drops. A single Unique boss dropping badly, especially early on can significantly affect your character.
- No more than 50% of an Unique monsters drops can be gold
- Act Bosses and Map Bosses will always drop at least 1 rare
The first of these changes is more significant than it first appears because players can't see the difference between "normal" and "rare" gold piles. You will get more equipment and currency items which can take more advantage of the rarity increases that unique monsters provide.
Click to Move
There was an issue where the "Move Only" command was namelocking. This would often result in your character confusingly attacking in an unexpected direction while holding down this action.
- Move Only no longer namelocks
Haben GGG für euch im ersten Patch die wichtigsten Dinge angepackt und welche Änderungen muss der Early Access unbedingt noch bringen, damit euch PoE 2 noch mehr Spaß macht?
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