You can buy over twenty upgrades at the store.
Time to kick the asses of some baddies.
Chasing Black Cat. Like her name implies, she's fast.
Looks like we've got competition for Mary Jane.
Gee, I wonder whose going to stop this robbery...
Almost three minutes to get to my destination, swinging through New York at night.
The pause screens lists what you've done and what you have to do.
Ah, almost to our destination.
Who is this sexy, mysterious lady? Mrrrrow!
Swinging through New York on a nice night.
More crime... stop this armored car robbery!
Nice view of New York, even though I'm falling to my death.
A skyscraper token, found only on..... skyscrapers.
These markers start challenges, which are usually timed races.
You can go inside buildings, but not all of them are useful.
Grab the man before he falls!
Meeting Mary Jane and Harry for dinner, finally.
Damaging a car to get the thugs to jump out.
Those guys are stealing a car!
Returning a suitcase to a grateful citizen.
Fighting crime all day can make a man tired.
A comic book store. How appropriate.
An arcade. Wonder if I can play some games.
Beating up a thug in mid-air.
Gee, I wonder who published this game?
The Daily Bugle, where Peter Park works.
The movie actors voice their characters.
Mysterio, the second main villain you fight.
Use this icon to change into and out of your Spider-Man costume.
Spider-Man, without the costume. In other words, Peter Parker.
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