Walking through the flooded areas is particularly well made.
Row row row your boat far too slowly down the stream. This part in the game is a nice touch, no matter it may become frustrating in certain occasions.
It's a strange relationship between Maria and you... it always lets you ask yourself what will happen next and is there a point when you'll get to answer her what you want.
For some reason, you are always prompted to search for Laura, even though it always costs you playing with your life.
Entering the freezer.
The way you treat Maria may lead to several different endings in this game.
Laura is a mysterious young girl that seems to have a connection to your late wife. Can she hold some clue? Some answers?
A moment of judgement.
Watch who you offend, it is a strange mist circling in this eerie town that affects people's minds, so to say.
According to the level you chose at startup, same puzzles will change in difficulty and solutions.
Meeting Eddie, not under best circumstances, though.
Some actions will automatically be triggered when you're searching close enough.
There will be a time when you'll have to take care of someone else beside you. A better looking someone else.
Talking with... err, Maria through the bars.
Wherever you go - blockades. Hmm, this sounds very deja vu alike.
After some time of playing, even you will start to question your sanity.
James is cleaning the poll from whatever's crawling in it with his trusty handgun which he found at someone's walmarkt basket.
Good thing about having a map is that James will constantly doodle upon it and mark interesting places and those he's been at.
Guess our hero is determined to seek some answers no matter what lurks in the bushes.
Real time effects such as lighting, mirroring, fog, and such are really helping increase the ambient.
Browsing through your inventory. This is also the screen which shows your health, where you can change ingame options, look at the map,...
Most of the time you'll reach the point of no return, so pay attention to exploring a bit more. You may find some useful items... such as maps.
The game sets you in the right mood as soon as you read Mary's letter.
Not the best place to start the game, huh?
Main Menu (after game was finished once)
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