Fighting the Ing!
Space Pirates are guarding this bridge
The Chykka is a tough opponent!
Using the dark visor to see invisible platforms
Attacking a creature swimming in poisonous water
Use portals (like this one) to travel between dark and light Aether
The multiplayer game screen
Under attack, and my weapon is reflecting right off of this enemy!
Samus, now with the dark suit, as an elevator arrives at its destination
The local wildlife is often dangerous!
Rolling through a morph ball contraption
When exploring Dark Aether, stay in the light or your energy rapidly depletes
Using the scan visor to search...
Fighting a space pirate...
Samus locates a weapons upgrade
Dark Samus attacks!
Scan items to examine them closer
Restoring from a save station
Located a save station
Fighting a large critter!
Use the map to help find your way around
Samus downloads some map data
Use the morph ball to get through small spaces
Situation: extremely hostile!!
There are many vast locations to explore
Introduction: Close up of Samus Aran
Introduction: Samus approaches the planet Aether...
The main menu
Title screen
Retro Studios presents...
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