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Being chased by a mech creature
Talking with a soldier
Summon creatures to help defeat enemies
Ouch, I've been knocked down!
Transform into creatures to reach new locations
I'm being chased by a dragon!!
A really powerful summons card
Do I really want to go summoning spirits of warrior gods?
Attacking some mech creatures
Attacking a carnivorous plant
Examine the details of a card
There are a variety of different loading screens
Fighting a large worm-like creature
Visit a card shop to purchase, sell, duplicate, or upgrade cards
Occasionally a cut scene will reveal more of the story
Using a Rheebus card to replenish your health
Pick up those crystals to replenish your magic points
At the end of a successful mission, you can choose some additional cards
One of many loading screens
Attacking with some ghost armour...
Watch out for those baby dragons...
The menu: begin this mission, or edit your deck?
Edit your deck of cards
The map of locations you can visit
There are many characters to talk to to find useful information or just advance the story
A creature attacks you in the first mission
Introductin: Birdman attacks!
Introduction: closeup of Tara
Introduction: Tara when she was young
Title screen and main menu
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nächstes Bild
vorherige Seite
nächste Seite
aktualisiert: 08.02.2023, 10:02 Uhr | 30 Bilder
aktualisiert: 12.03.2021, 04:03 Uhr | 11 Bilder
aktualisiert: 23.07.2021, 14:07 Uhr | 11 Bilder
aktualisiert: 04.06.2021, 14:06 Uhr | 25 Bilder
aktualisiert: 16.12.2022, 06:12 Uhr | 37 Bilder
aktualisiert: 25.09.2024, 12:09 Uhr | 13 Bilder
aktualisiert: 13.09.2024, 11:09 Uhr | 10 Bilder
aktualisiert: 05.09.2024, 10:09 Uhr | 5 Bilder
aktualisiert: 18.07.2024, 17:07 Uhr | 3 Bilder
aktualisiert: 07.07.2024, 12:07 Uhr | 15 Bilder
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Lost Kingdoms 2
Genre: Adventure
Release: 05.06.2003 (GC)
Genre: Action-Adventure
Entwickler: Yellow Brick Games
Release: 28.01.2025 (PC, PS5, Xbox Series X/S)
Genre: Multiplayer-Shooter
Entwickler: Digital Illusions
Release: 20.11.2018 (PC, PS4, Xbox One)
Entwickler: Digixart Entertainment
Release: 16.08.2021 (PC, Switch), 14.04.2022 (PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S)
Genre: Action-Rollenspiel
Entwickler: Jump Over the Age
Release: 2023 (PC)
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