Climbing around in the vines can get you to places that are not accessible any other way
The trolls are capturing all the dwarves and putting them in sacks for dinner
Ok, you are a hobbit... a rather small race. And you're going to pick the pockets of trolls... a very large race. Something is not quite right in your head, Bilbo.
Now THAT is a big wasp! I didn't think there was nuclear waste in Middle Earth to create such creatures...
Whenever you see a book like this, you can save your game
Yet another puzzle requires pulling the levers in the right order
Solving this puzzle requires pushing statues around
By lifting and throwing these jars, you might find items such as food or tokens
Hmm... what could be in here?
It's raining and a huge wasp is after me! What a bad day...
Just hanging around. You can also see a simple puzzle on the floor
Hold your attack longer to build up energy for a more powerful attack
Attacking a large rat
View your inventory and stats all on one page
Your new nickname
As you progress through the story, your map is updated to show where you are
Bilbo's bedroom and a chest... what is inside?
Bilbo isn't one for adventures... yet
Gandalf arrives and is his normal eccentric self
The map of Middle Earth can be scrolled back and forth
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