Lance: "The base's interior defense system has been activated. Better destroy it quickly..."
Actual snow effects in Stage 5.
Gromaides now has glowing eyes in the Japanese version.
Bill: "I have arrived at 'Point A'. Commencing infiltration."
Palm trees are now animated in the Japanese version.
A map of Galuga shows your current position in the game.
The Earth's Marine Corps sends orders to destroy the alien base to Bill and Lance, members of the Marine's "Contra" unit.
Two years later, a mysterious group of invaders known as "Red Falcon" conspire the fall of mankind by setting their base of operations all over Galuga.
In the year 2631, a mysterious meteorite falls into the Galuga archipelago near New Zealand.
"Contra" is the title awarded to the most elite soldiers possesing expertise in guerilla warfare and the fighting spirit.
Title Screen (Japanese version)
Oh-oh, this boss looks like he means it...
Higher and higher...
Wow, now THAT'S a weapon!
You can ride those grey things
Waterfall level
This crazy boss fires several fireballs at me
next one is tougher: those green suckers throw logs at me, I'd better duck in the corner...
Room cleared, you can proceed
Next area: you can't proceed until you've cleared the room of all its deadly weapons
This boss is too much for me...
What's that, in the middle?
Swimming across
Destroy those square things -sometimes they drop items that will power-up your weapon
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