Smug rich boy.
Robert finishing off King. If you beat her with a special move, her shirt will rip off!
Here, Robert is teaching King how to do a waltz... or not.
Bah, here, a Haohshokoken for you!
So he uses his own version. Copycat!
After you pass the bonus rounds, the game will teach you a new special move! Pictured: Koohken.
Ryo Sakazaki learns the Haohshokoken!
And in the third, you can learn the Haohshokoken.
In the second, you can earn more energy.
In the first, you can raise your Spirit bar so you can perform more special moves.
After two fights, you can choose from one of three bonus stages.
Good. So you only hurt old men?
The Hienshippukyaku's finisher!
Just 'cause he's big and fat does not mean you can't throw him around!
Chewing bubble gum won't help you get respected, Jack...
South Town, ten years before Fatal Fury.
So we beat you up for nothing?!
Flexibility at its best.
Everyone must charge their Spirit meter [second bar] to be able to perform special moves.
D'oh! You lose.
And finish with an uppercut. Inflicts anywhere from 50 to 70% of damage!
TELL HIM, TODOH! [Yes, he's in Capcom Vs. SNK 2!]
Story mode. You can only use Robert and Ryo.
The Versus mode. You can use everyone, even the bosses!
The Options mode. Note the extra Stereo mode. Use this and the game will have surround sound!
Robert Garcia. Rich boy, and single too!
Ryo Sakazaki. He's single, girls!
All is not well in the Sakazaki household...
The game's title screen.
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