Sowohl Wasteland 2 als auch Shovel Knight erscheinen demnächst für die Xbox One. Das hat Microsoft hat der GDC 2015 bekannt gegeben. Auf der Spielentwickler-Konferenz in San Francisco veröffentlichte Microsoft eine umfangreiche Liste mit Spielen, die irgendwann in naher Zukunft über das Indie-Games-Programm ID@Xbox veröffentlicht werden sollen.
Und auf der Auflistung finden sich neben bereits bekannten Xbox-One-Umsetzungen wie Smite, Goat Simulator und Mighty No. 9 auch viele weitere Titel.
Auf seiner offiziellen Xbox-Webseite listet Microsoft die folgenden Spiele auf:
- Bedlam (RedBedlam): Based on the novel by award-winning British author Christopher Brookmyre, this is a shooter for everyone who remembers gaming in the '80s and '90s!
- Beyond Eyes (Team17): How does a blind person navigate the world? This unique title might give you some sense of what it's like to live in a world without sight, as you control a young girl in search of her lost cat.
- ClusterPuck 99 (PHL Collective): This competitive sports game features eight-player local competitive action.
- Cuphead (Studio MDHR): A run-and-gun adventure, with plenty of 1930s style animation to keep things interesting! It will make its console debut on Xbox One!
- Earthlock: Festival of Magic (Snowcastle Games): An exciting, nonlinear role-playing game.
- The Flame in the Flood (The Molasses Flood): A rogue-lite river journey through the backwaters of a forgotten post-societal America. It will make its console debut on Xbox One.
- Fortified (Clapfoot Games): An exciting new take on action-strategy games that combines shooter, real-time strategy, and base defense mechanics.
- Game 4 (The Behemoth): One of the weirdest turn-based strategy games you'll ever play, with plenty of The Behemoth's unmistakable style.
- Goat Simulator (Double Eleven):You are a goat, and you are on a rampage. What more do you need to know? More goat to the people!
- LA Cops (Team 17): This top-down strategy shooter celebrates everything awesome about '70s cop fiction.
- Magic the Gathering: F2P (Wizards of the Coast): The world's most beloved collectible card game goes free-to-play! It will make its console debut first on Xbox one
- Mighty No. 9 (Comcept): This Kickstarter darling is the brainchild of acclaimed developer Keiji Inafune, the creator of Mega Man. True side-scrolling perfection!
- Pixel Galaxy (Serenity Forge): It's one heck of a hectic shoot-'em-up, inspired by Katamari Damacy. Grow, make friends, and survive together!
- R.B.I. Baseball 15 ( The legendary Major League Baseball franchise returns with fresh game modes, authentic ballparks, improved animations, and deep stat-tracking.
- Rivals of Aether (Dan Fornace): This fighting game challenges you to uncover the elemental mysteries of Fire, Water, Air, and Earth.
- Shadow Blade: Reload (Dead Mage): Guide a young ninja on his journey to seek the teachings of the last remaining ninja master as he embarks on a quest for revenge.
- Shovel Knight (Yacht Club Games): Steel thy shovel! The amazing retro sidescrolling adventure is coming to Xbox One!
- SMITE (Hi-Rez Studios): The next evolution in multiplayer online battle arena space. Assemble your team, choose your hero, and destroy your opponents. Stay tuned for details on the Xbox One beta, coming very soon!
- Submerged (Uppercut Games): You're trapped in an ancient, half-submerged city, with next to nothing. Explore the flooded cityscape and scale its buildings in a fight to survive!
- Super Dungeon Bros (React! Games): A multiplayer dungeon-crawling extravaganza with a rock music theme. Get your bros together and get ready to rock out!
- SWORDY (Frogshark): In this multiplayer physics brawler, you will hit your friends until they explode. You really have to see this one to wrap your head around this craziness. We're pleased to say Swordy will debut first on Xbox One.
- The Sun and Moon (Digerati Distribution and Marketing): It's a platformer with a twist: You can dive into the ground, reversing your gravity while conserving your momentum. Winner of the Ludum Dare 29 competition!
- ZHEROS (Rimlight Studios): This 3D action brawler - set in an alternative future universe - is rife with engaging combat and outrageous characters.
Noch etwas nennenswerter sind die folgenden kommenden Xbox-One-Spiele:
- Wasteland 2 (inXile Entertainment)
- Blues and Bullets (A Crowd of Monsters)
- Quest of Dungeons (David Jose Lourenco Amador)
- Commander Cherry's Puzzled Journey (Grande Games)
- 34 Big Things' Hyperdrive Massacre and Red Out
- Starpoint Gemini 2 (Little Green Men)
- The Little Acre (Pewter Game Studios)
- Space Dust Racers (Space Dust Studios)
- The Adventures of Pip (Tick Toc Games)
- Paranautical Activity and Slain (Digerati Distribution)
- Gear Gauntlet (Drop Dead Interactive)
- Draw a Stickman: Epic (Hitcents)
- Reagan Gorbachev (Team2Bit)
- Twin Souls: The Path of Shadows (Lince Works)
- Raging Justice (Makin Games)
- Grabbles (Noble Whale)
- Run (Torch Games)
- World of Diving (Vertigo Games)
- Luna's Tale: The Curse of the Forgotten Doll (Maestro Game Studio)
- Standpoint (Unruly Attractions)
Goat Simulator - Ankündigungs-Trailer zum verrückten Simulator
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