Whenever visiting Paris, George somehow ends up beneath it, exploring the sewers.
Aside from the main heroes, there'll be other recurring characters.
Someone didn't run fast enough, heh heh. Bang! Bang!
George and Nico, laughing boldly at the face of danger, whose name bares a 45 caliber.
Exploring the mystical ruins in search for something (bet George will know what that is when he finds it).
George is always capable to pull up a trick up his sleeve to scare the natives.
Looks like the killer was faster than Nico.
What may seem great while in motion, if you pay some attention you will notice lots of models not colliding where they should (check her hand and a gun).
What at first sight seemed as uninteresting interview, turned out to be a dangerous prelude for something to write about.
This game is fully 3D, but the camera will rotate on its own according to character's position on the screen.
Yeah it's a cliche, but the trick with a plastic card still works.
Nico performing any kinda suicidal stunts in order to get the story. Ah, those journalists.
Alas, the badguys reached the scientist before George.
Beautiful sights usually require a lot of jumping and crawling, and this time George got some new moves to perform.
Dialogue options are, like in previous two games, presented through the icon selection.
Being alive is as good a way to start a game as any.
Now matter how bad things are, things can always get worse.
Looks like the weather in Africa isn't always sunny enough.
Main title from the second part of intro cinematic.
Templar priest from the intro opening tells us that the case both George and Nico thought was over is about to continue.
One of the many loading screens that will become the root of all your nightmares.
For those who missed first two games, they can check synopsis with some shots in the 'extras' section.
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