You can always check your car from the first and see why the lights aren't working properly.
Testing the torpedoes... delightfully.
Another one of the classical gadgets, wrist watch with a laser.
Most efficient weapon is usually that you pick up from your foes.
Looks like someone installed Q worm on this computer... I wonder who could've done it ;)
Using a sniper is quite kewl, but since everyone has a sniper there, you're just as easy target as they are.
Shooting at driver is much more efficient then shooting at vehicle.
Whatever does Bond do to attract such a heavy pursuit every time he leaves.
Escaping the castle compound via snowmobile.
When you see a screen tilted with red patters that means you're shot, and there's no time to talk.
Using Q's lighter... err, I mean micro-camera, duh.
Hey, didn't anyone tell you it's not nice to shoot behind someone's ear.
Putting a silencer just to be sure we're talking about a stealth mission.
Dropping with a parachute was easy, now we need to find a way to the party inside these walls.
Ingame menu screen.
Oh boy, I've gotta feeling Q will be pissed when he sees the car.
Testing the rockets on enemy cars.
Driving with a high velocity where you shouldn't at all.
NFS engine or not, this is a whole new driving experience.
James is sniping down enemy pursuit from the helicopter.
Every mission has different loading screens.
Mission selection screen.
Good thing James still didn't loose his sense of humor.
Good looking, but not on your side, sidekick.
Introductory to our hero in a well known way.
One of the option menus, the game even includes trailer to Die Another Day, most recent Bond movie.
Opening sequence just like in the movies.
A typical Bond opening video we use to see in the movies.
Main Title (from the menu trailer)
Main Menu
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