Presseschau: Thief - Deutsche und internationale Tests im Wertungsspiegel

Wer wertet wie? Wir vergleichen im Special deutsche und internationale Test-Ergebnisse zum neuen Schleichspiel Thief.

Eine Übersicht zu den nationalen und internationalen Wertungen zum Schleichspiel. Eine Übersicht zu den nationalen und internationalen Wertungen zum Schleichspiel.

MitThiefwill Eidos Montreal (Deus Ex: Human Revolution) eine der bekanntesten Schleichspielserien auf PC, Xbox One, Xbox 360 und PlayStation 4 sowie Playstation 3 rebooten.

Der Neustart setzt dabei auf die Tugenden der Serie und kombiniert Stealtheinlagen mit Handlungsfreiheit und einem im Nahkampf schwachen Helden, dessen Stärke im gewaltfreien Schleichen liegt.

Das Ergebnis überzeugt die Fachpresse dabei nicht so richtig. Wir haben deutsche und internationale Wertungen und Meinungen gesammelt und in alphabetischer Reihenfolge geordnet.

Deutsche Tests: - 78/100 Punkten

Jochen Gebauer: Ich bin davon überzeugt, dass Thief ursprünglich mal ein Deus Ex im Steampunk-Szenario werden sollte. Die Überreste jedenfalls sind vorhanden, eine offensichtlich auf Erfahrungspunkte ausgelegte Fokus-Mechanik, Ausrüstungsgegenstände mit passiven Boni, optionale Missionsziele, modulare Levels, etliche Nebenaufgaben. Und ich bin aufrichtig davon überzeugt, dass das ein sehr gutes Spiel geworden wäre; kein »echtes« Thief wahrscheinlich, aber ein Spiel, das ich gerne gespielt hätte. - 85/100 Punkten

Stefan Weiß: Es hat ein bisschen gedauert, bis ich die für mich richtige Auswahl an Optionseinstellungen gefunden hatte. Danach fühlte ich mich über weite Strecken hervorragend unterhalten. Besonders das Schleichgefühl kommt sehr gut rüber […]. Die vielen Sammelobjekte zu finden, motivierte mich ungemein. […]Dass man ständig wieder die Übergänge in andere Levelbereiche sowie die Startpunkte der Quests fürs wiederholte Spielen mühsam sucht, das hätte nicht sein müssen. Stimmung sowie Atmosphäre dagegen sind für meinen Geschmack hervorragend getroffen und das von den Entwicklern angestrebte, klassische Thief-Gameplay funktioniert für mich prima. - 7/10 Punkten

Benjamin Braun: Thief ist allen Unkenrufen zum Trotz ein ordentliches Spiel geworden, das mich vor allem dank der atmosphärischen Dichte der Spielwelt schnell eingefangen hat. Spielerisch hat mich Garretts neues Abenteuer insgesamt ordentlich unterhalten, auch wenn manches gerade am Anfang deutlich zu leicht ist und anderes später stark unter der unausgegorenen KI leidet.Aber auch, wenn Thief kein Reinfall geworden ist: Zu einem Must-Have-Titel reicht es nicht. Dafür atmet die Spielmechanik in puncto Freiheit, Anspruch und auch bei der Notwendigkeit des Gadgeteinsatzes zu wenig den Geist der Vorgänger - und die Story verrennt sich nach vielversprechendem Start unnötig im Abstrusitätenkabinett. - 81/100 Punkten

Tobias Kujawa: Mehrere Lösungswege, kleine Sandbox-Areale und Schleich-Fokussierung? Ich liebe solche Spiele!Thiefmacht viel richtig, auch wenn es Fans der alten Teile durch seine stärkere führende Hand verprellen wird. Im Vergleich mit einemHitmanoderDishonoredzieht Garretts Abenteuer trotzdem den kürzeren. Denn in puncto Abwechslung und Freiheit haben sie die Nase vorn. Garrett muss schleichen, Aggressivität hat kaum Aussichten auf Erfolg. Dazu sind die Kletterfähigkeiten des Meisterdiebs begrenzt und er kann weder betäubte Feinde in Schränken verstecken, noch sich verkleiden. Manch einer mag sein Fähigkeiten-Repertoire sogar für eintönig halten, mir macht jede kleine Nebenquest trotz eingeschränkter Handlungsmöglichkeiten Spaß.

Thief - Screenshots aus der PC-Version ansehen

Internationale Tests:

CVG - 8/10 Punkten

Dan Griliopoulos: But we were hooked, regardless, not for the story, but for the mechanics of stealth and exploration. Finding routes through the levels peaceably and intact is a genuine challenge on the normal 'Thief' difficulty - and with the aids turned off, it gets much, much harder. Add in the custom difficulty modes, which allow you to recreate old Thief - indeed, which allow you to make a much harder game than any Thief - and it's an enjoyable, challenging customisable sandbox. It's just sad that the main story and The City itself don't match up to the toolset Eidos Montreal has created. 7.5/10 Punkten

Chris Carter: Thief is a great escape for those of you who yearn for more stealth experiences, but it doesn't really offer up anything exciting. The story and characters are somewhat forgettable, most of the missions are straightforward, and the locales tend to blend together after a while. Having said that, there's a lot of potential here if you dig deep down into the game's ingenious difficulty sliders and challenge modes. In that sense, Thief succeeds as a bold stealth game, despite its bruises. - 6/10 Punkten

Simon Parkin: At times the game suffers from a lack of ambition, placing far too much importance on the tiresome looting of endless cupboards and dressers in the vain hope that this will be enough to propel you forwards. In other places, Thief suffers from too much ambition, unable to draw its systems into a cohesive whole. Whether the game simply needed more time or entirely different foundations is never quite clear. Either way, it's a game that adds up to less than the sum of its parts. Undeniably, Thief suffers greatly by comparison to Dishonored - its more coherent, more thoughtfully and successfully designed cousin, in whose shadow Garrett and his game now cringe. - 8/10 Punkten

Ben Reeves: If you're content to save your game every couple minutes and enjoy a slower-paced stealth game, then Thief rewards you with plenty of moments so tense you might catch yourself holding your breath. Eidos-Montreal may have adhered too closely to the series' roots, resulting in a reboot that suffers from classic problems like simplistic combat and trial-and-error sneaking missions. However, locked behind this old-school game design is a gem that stealth fans should eye up for their collection. - 6/10 Punkten

Kevin VanOrd: As Thief seesawed up and down, my enjoyment of it followed suit. Each time I thought I might fall in love, the game doused my passions with a new annoyance. There was the bug that had me swimming in place on top of some boards I'd leapt to. […] There were the times I scratched my head wondering why I couldn't take cover behind one crate but could behind an identical one. […] But then the love affair was rekindled the moment I pinched out a candle's flame and yanked a dowager's earrings from her lobes unnoticed. […] Whether you are new to the series or cut your teeth on Thief's particular brand of stealth when it was still novel, I'd wager your feelings will waver as often as mine did. The Thief-franchise-inspired Dishonored waves the stealth flag far more confidently than this reboot does. Garrett is not yet on his way out, but he's been shown the door. - 7.5/10 Punkten

Justin Speer: When you've found your place in its skewed world, Thief can surprise you, summoning up a thick atmosphere of mystery and unease in a moment's notice and drawing you into the shadows. Sometimes, though, you may see things you don't want to see. The game's technical performance feels like a struggle at times on both the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One, and after a strong buildup that takes you through cleverly designed missions and well-considered spaces, the game departs from its strengths in an attempt to build dramatic confrontations at the end of the game. It's not exactly a perfect run for Garrett, but players will still find many things worth taking. - 6.8/10 Punkten

Dan Stapelton: Thief has some strong stealth mechanics going for it, and getting away unseen with a big haul of loot can be an enormous challenge, but doesn't always put that to good use. Between the hit-or-miss missions is an extremely annoying city hub map and a weak story full of bland characters, and Garrett himself isn't as sure-footed as a master thief ought to be. Ignoring the story and cherrypicking the best side missions is the best way to approach it. - 4/5 Punkten

Ludwig Kietzmann: Thief is best when it sticks to the involving, slow-paced stealth that made its ancestor such a tense affair. In its subtle moments, Eidos Montreal gives your creeping a sense of closeness and texture, in a game where you almost always have your nose pressed against things. Much like Garrett, Thief succeeds when it's quiet, fingers reaching out and almost - almost - touching an irresistible spread of glittering prizes. - NO

Kirk Hamilton: We often use the word "release" to talk about new games. I've never been fond of the term, but in this case it feels fitting: Thief has been released. Thoroughly mediocre though the finished product may be, it is perhaps a relief that after years in creative purgatory, it has finally been set free. May its better ideas go on to fuel other, better games.

For now, though:Thiefis a woeful disappointment, a bowl of stealth gruel best pushed aside in favor of tastier fare. Let it sit, let it grow cold, and let it be rinsed away.

John Walker: Some will be furious about one aspect or other, and they will be loud about it on the internet. The context sensitive jump/climb/swoop button is going to be the launch pad that fires a lot of people out of the game in abject fury. But the truth is, I've had a fantastic time playing it. For where it falls short, it far more often had me crouched in a shadow, heart racing, waiting for the perfect moment to dart past a guard's routine. It may be the fourth best Thief game, but it's a damned fine game in its own rights. - 79/100 Punkten

Chris Thurston: Whether you are heartbroken or merely disappointed by Thief's muddled sense of self will depend on exactly how invested you are in PC gaming's creation myth. This is a decent stealth game that feels nice to play, and that'll be enough for many - and if you feared the worst, you can rest a little easier. But the thing about evading disaster is that sometimes greatness slips away too. - 6/10 Punkten

Arthur Gies: There are elements of a better game in Thief - maybe even a great one. I enjoyed Garrett's adventure when it was about stealing, when it was about getting into a structure creatively and sneaking away, about accumulating and spending loot. But I wanted much more of that breaking and entering than it was willing to give me. Thief never quite pulls it together. Instead, too often, I felt like a mouse in a narrow hallway filled with cats.

Thief - Launch-Trailer des Stealth-Titels Video starten 2:44 Thief - Launch-Trailer des Stealth-Titels

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