Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition hat einen neuen Patch erhalten. Das mittlerweile zwölfte Update für die Konsolenversion des beliebten Indie-Sandbox-Titels bringt unter anderem neue Gegner, neue Gegenstände sowie weitere Neuerungen und Änderungen mit sich.
Freuen dürfen sich Spieler etwa über einen Eisen-Golem, eine neue Tutorial-Welt, ein neues Höhenlimit für Karten und ein Dschungel-Biom. Außerdem wurden Probleme mit der Third-Person-Kamera im Wasser, einige Speicherlecks und Fehler bei der Lichtgebung behoben.
Nachfolgend die kompletten englischen Patchnotizen zu Update 12 für Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition:
Changes, Additions & Fixes:
- New Mobs
- Ocelot/Cat
- Iron Golem
- Baby Villager
New Items
- Redstone Lamp
- Jungle Wood Stairs
- Jungle Wood Half Slab
- Jungle Wood Block
- Jungle Wood Planks
- Jungle Tree Sapling
- Ocelot Spawn Egg
- (Creative Mode only) Chiselled Stone Brick
- (Creative Mode only) Mob Heads (Skeleton, Wither Skeleton, Zombie, Human and Creeper)
Changes / Additions
- New Tutorial World.
- New map height limit (256 instead of 128).
- Jungle Biome
- Jungle trees
- Cocoa beans grow on Jungle trees
- Slabs and Stairs can be placed upside-down by placing them below a block.
- Added Corner Stairs and upside down Corner Stairs.
- Added 3D dropped items.
- Added dispensing Boats and Minecarts to Dispenser.
- New ambient cave sounds.
- New AI for Mobs.
- Added rare drops for Mobs.
- Villagers will have children if there is room in their village.
- Zombie sieges will occur occasionally at night.
- Zombies break down doors on Hard Mode.
- Crafting recipe for ladder now yields 3 ladders instead of 2.
- Placing blocks on grass will replace it.
- Lava now has a faint rumbling sound effect, and large particles that hop out of the lava produce a popping sound.
- Very rare Desert Wells can be found in Desert biomes.
- Increased max boats in a world to 40.
- When in the Nether, Snow Golems will melt and die same as when they are in Desert biomes.
- Abandoned Mineshafts can generate with wooden bridges now when generated over a cave or over top another tunnel.
- Doors have been updated so that double doors work better with Redstone.
- Added a Favourites tab to the Skin Selector menu, storing most recently used skins.
- Added support for Texture Packs and Mash-up Packs, and display of these in the Minecraft Store.
- Fixed local player shadows not being displayed.
- Fixed a few issues with the Privileges settings.
- Fixed visible seams in clouds.
- Fixed 3rd person camera issues with water, where the underwater filter would be randomly removed.
- Fix for structures generating at the edge of a world.
- Fix for putting enchanted items in a Minecart With Chest and destroying it removes the enchantments.
- Fix for breaking a bow having improper animation.
- Fix to make Minecarts run at the correct speed.
- Fixed a few memory leaks.
- Fixed issue with "Can Open Containers" option.
- Fixed issues with "Can Build and Mine" option.
- Fixed Issue with TNT blocks being triggered by explosions even with "TNT explodes" option off.
- Fixed Wolves not tilting their heads when the player has a bone in their hand.
- Fixed the colour of Potion particles status effect to match the Potion colour.
- Fix for doors spitting in half and glitching in open/closed motion when mined.
- Fixed artefacts on edge of flames when in first person.
- Fixed a lot of game lighting issues.
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