Ab sofort steht der Patch 1.3 für den Ego-Shooter Crysis 3 auf der PlayStation 3 und der Xbox 360 zum Download bereit. Dies gab der Entwickler Crytek jetzt offiziell bekannt. Das Update beseitigt unter anderem einige Fehler, die zum Absturz des Spiels führen konnten - vor allem nach Bosskämpfen.
Außerdem reduziert der Patch die von dem Spiel verwendete Bandbreite, behebt ein Soundproblem und dirverse andere Fehler. Die vollständigen Patch-Notes findet ihr wie gewohnt unterhalb dieser Meldung.
Patch-Nots für Crysis 3 v1.3
Reduction in bandwidth usage
Fixed issue where other player’s weapons may not be visible when joining the game
The “Scout” perk now saves progress correctly
Fix for rip & throw items occasionally entering a state where players cannot interact with them
Fix for Relay not capturing correct if the carrier is within the cap zone when the friendly relay is returned
End of round audio now works correctly
Fix for nanovisor becoming locked in some cases
Fixed crashes/freezes of the game after the boss fight (some save games still might not be functioning 100% so a restart of the last level might be required)
Fixed issue with boss not being triggered correctly and thus not appearing at all (some save games still might not be functioning 100% so a restart of the last level might be required)
Fixed extended magazine attachment of the SCAR to not lose 10 clips anymore after each death of the player
Fixed secret email not unlocking properly after collecting all Intel in the levels
- Fix for after match award dogtags failing to unlock
Xbox 360
Minimised risk of crash when transitioning from SP to MP when in a party with active VOIP
Fix for aim assist not working correctly in some areas of maps
Fix for an issue that could cause host migration failures
- Potential fixes for issues related to audio stuttering
PlayStation 3
Fix for aim assist not working correctly in some areas of maps
- Fix for an issue that could cause host migration failures
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