Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War erhält passend zum heutigen Release den mittlerweile fast schon obligatorischen Day One-Patch. Der führt umfangreiche Änderungen im Vergleich zur Open Beta ein und läutet das bunte Treiben auf den virtuellen Schlachtfeldern ein. Dazu gehört unter anderem, dass das Sprinten etwas weniger übermächtig gemacht wurde, es gibt jetzt natürlich auch viel mehr Waffen und viele andere Map- sowie Gameplay-Details wurden nochmal angepasst.
Day One-Patch zu Cold War nerft das Sliden, erhöht Rückstoß & mehr
CoD Cold War ist da! Seit heute könnt ihr euch ins wilde Multiplayer-Getümmel stürzen, den Zombie-Modus ausprobieren und die neue Singleplayer-Story spielen. Unseren großen Gamepro-Test zu Black Ops Cold War findet ihr hier:
Der Day 1-Patch auch: Wie mittlerweile leider fast zum guten Ton gehört, gibt es auch bei Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War einen umfangreichen Day One-Patch. Habt ihr das Spiel als Disk-Version gekauft, müsst ihr erstmal einen längeren Download starten. Auf der PlayStation 4 schlägt das Update auf Version 1.02 mit 15.766 GB zu Buche.
Das steckt drin: Die wichtigsten Änderungen reißen wir hier kurz an, die kompletten Patch Notes findet ihr hier auf der offiziellen Blog-Seite, wir packen sie aber auch nochmal ans Ende des Artikels. Seit der Open Beta hat sich natürlich einiges geändert.
Sliden wurde generft: Das Sliden empfanden viele CoD-Fans als übermächtig in der Beta. Im fertigen Spiel könnt ihr jetzt nur noch etwas langsamer und kürzer sliden. Es ist jetzt auch schneller, aus einem Sprint heraus zu schießen, als aus dem Sliden heraus.
Diese Modi sind neu:
- Search & Destroy
- Free-For-All
- Hardcore Team Deathmatch
- Hardcore Domination
- Hardcore Kill Confirmed
- Hardcore Search & Destroy
- Hardcore Free-For-All
Fireteam Dirty Bomb: Hier hat sich einiges am Gameplay und den Maps geändert, es gibt jetzt zum Beispiel mehr Munition, Abseil-Leinen, ihr könnt weiter pingen, auch wenn ihr down seid, es sollte jetzt weniger Panzer geben und natürlich auch weniger Bugs.
Waffen: In der Waffenschmiede findet ihr jetzt mehr Attachment und auch das M60-LMG, die Bullfrog-SMG, den M79-Launcher, die FFAR1 und viele andere neue Schießprügel. Zusätzlich wurde ordentlich an deren Balancing gedreht, so dass die AK jetzt mehr Rückstoß hat und SMGs auf weitere Entfernung schlechter treffen. Waffen können jetzt bis Stufe 55 aufsteigen und ihr habt die Möglichkeit, Pistolen in beiden Händen zu tragen.
James Bond trifft Call of Duty - Black Ops Cold War - Singleplayer
Hier findet ihr die Day One Patchnotes im englischsprachigen Original
Additional Modes
Added modes since Beta:
Search & Destroy
Hardcore Team Deathmatch
Hardcore Domination
Hardcore Kill Confirmed
Hardcore Search & Destroy
Hardcore Free-For-All -
Fireteam: Dirty Bomb
Added Ammo Caches to Ruka and Alpine.
Added rappel lines to Alpine.
Players can now continue sprinting while equipping Armor Plates.
Players will now automatically be air deployed after 15 seconds in the overhead spawn view.
Both the downed player and player reviving will be locked in place during a revive to avoid the revive from failing.
Added the ability to Call for Help while downed.
Added support for bashing a door when beginning to sprint next to a door.
Added support for configurable squad wipe respawn delays based on squad size (squads of 1 have no additional squad wipe respawn delay).
Made adjustments to objective placements.
Dirty Bombs/Radiation:
Arming progress will now display on the charge when arming a dirty bomb.
When arming the dirty bomb, lights on the charge will now show how many teammates are assisting in arming.
Improvements made to radiation visuals when in the overhead spawn view.
The line to safety while inside of a radiation zone will no longer point players toward out of bounds.
Radiation Vest item added to loot pool. This vest will prevent the wearer from taking radiation damage inside of the radiation zones.
Combat Bow, VTOL Escort, Cruise Missile, and Gunship added to loot pool.
Adjusted item spawn rates to reduce higher end Scorestreak frequency.
Reduced frequency of Hind spawn.Adjusted vehicle drop timing to reduce the frequency of Hind, Tank, and FAV spawns.
Directional damage indicators now point toward the vehicle when taking explosive damage from a Hind or Chopper Gunner.
Added the ability to Ping while downed.
Added the ability to Ping from vehicles.
Added the ability to Ping downed teammates.
Added the ability to Ping Field Upgrades and thrown C4 explosives.
Added a center dot while freefalling and parachuting for more accurate pinging.
Made adjustments to the fireteam intro scene to better highlight the fireteam.
Added an in-game outro scene that highlights the winning fireteam.
Killcams and Best Plays will now prioritize downs instead of clean-ups.
Bug Fixes:
Addressed an issue that would prevent objective waypoints from displaying in the overhead spawn view.
Addressed an issue where players could be killed as soon as they deployed via air.
Addressed a number of issues that would cause a player to spawn away from their intended teammate on the ground from the overhead spawn view.
Addressed an issue where players could not deposit Uranium into a dirty bomb.
Addressed an issue where the player could be considered out of bounds when deploying from the infil plane. - VIP Escort Players can now quick-deploy parachute in Crossroads and Armada in VIP Escort.The VIP is now taken into the helicopter by a winch operator upon exfil completion.The exfil notification is now triggered when the VIP gets near an exfil helicopter in order to give the defending team more time to react.Upon getting near the exfil site, the helicopter will begin lowering the fast rope, and all players in the match will be notified that the exfil process has begun.Once the fast rope is lowered, the VIP can interact with the rope to hook up for exfil.
- Combined Arms Players can now quick-deploy parachute in Combined Arms game modes (where applicable).
Weapons / Gunsmith
- New Weapons Added new weapons in multiple categories:FFAR 1 assault rifleBullfrog SMGM60 LMGDMR 14 tactical rifleM79 special launcher+ more
- Weapon Balance Assault RiflesTuned general assault rifle performance closer to Krig 6 and XM4 Beta performance for better balance across the class.Increased AK-47 recoil.Submachine GunsReduced SMG effectiveness at longer ranges to counter the dominance of the class seen in the Beta.Light Machine GunsIncreased LMG damage output to improve the effectiveness of the class.Increased LMG ADS times.Sniper RiflesAdjusted aim assist to feel smoother yet require more skill and precision.Slightly increased sniper rifle ADS times.Sniper scope glint will now display more regularly.PistolsDecreased burst-fire pistol hip-fire accuracy.Reduced burst-fire pistol max damage range.ShotgunsReduced semi-auto shotgun fire rate.LaunchersSlightly increased inner damage of launcher rockets to allow for lethal damage when placed precisely.MeleeSlightly reduced sprinting speed with the Knife equipped.
- Recoil and Sight Alignment Cleaned up issues with bullet direction and recoil to feel more intuitive and responsive.In the Beta, the location of the player's bullet was always based on the direction of their weapon, which could have a slight deviation to their eye-view perspective through the sights. These should now line up better across all iron sights and optics, providing more precision when ADS-firing.
- Aim Assist Tuning Adjusted a number of aim assist parameters to provide a more expected feel across weapon classes.
- Aiming Down Sights (ADS) Adjusted ADS transitions to make them smoother and more fluid.Adjusted ADS sway to provide more dramatic feel while reducing weapon rotation.Adjusted weapon pushback when firing in ADS to address cases where optic models could get too close to the player camera.
- Attachments Additional AttachmentsAdded more attachments to equip in the Gunsmith.Attachment BalanceUpdated balance for roughly half of the attachments across all weapons to increase viability across the board.Reworked bonuses and penalties on Barrel attachments to better reflect relationship between ranges, muzzle velocities, and barrel length.There are now Barrel attachments that offer shorter Barrel length for increased strafe speed movement, either when hip-firing or ADS-firing. This provides players with greater options for leaning into movement as a kit option.Increased enemy reveal range when using the mounted light attachment.Attachment DescriptionsUpdated names, descriptions, and statistics categories for weapons to provide a clearer picture of functionality and authenticity.
- Dual Wield Added the ability to dual-wield pistols.
- Weapon Levels Increased primary weapon levels from 40 to 55.
- Stationary Turrets Increased use radius of stationary turrets.
- SlidingShortened slide length.Reduced slide speed.Sliding is intended as an escape mechanic or quick entrance into crouch or cover. It's not intended to be over-used during engagements, or to be too advantageous in close quarters. We've shortened the slide length and reduced its speed to address these goals.Ending a sprint to fire is now faster than sliding to fire.In the Beta, it was faster to fire your weapon from a sprint by sliding than by simply ending your sprint to fire. This has been fixed so that ending a sprint to fire is the faster way to get your gun up, and sliding to fire is no longer faster.
- Mantling Increased speeds for all mantles.
- Additional Scorestreaks Added new Scorestreaks since Beta:Combat BowArmorCare PackageCruise MissileVTOL EscortGunship
- Earn Rate Improved score event tuning and Scorestreak earn potential across all modes.Increased score bonus thresholds at 10-kill and 15-kill streaks to make high streaks feel more rewarding, and to help boost score to higher-end Scorestreaks.In the Beta, Scorestreaks were being earned more often than intended in several game modes, so we've made tuning adjustments to bring the overall earn rate down. On the other hand, because even top players were having a hard time getting to the highest Scorestreaks, we've increased the score bonus thresholds for higher kill streaks.
- Scorestreak Tuning Attack HelicopterIncreased Attack Helicopter damage from 5-hit kill to 3-hit kill.Chopper GunnerSlightly reduced Chopper Gunner duration and damage.
- Costs Balance adjustment to all Scorestreak costs.
- UI Added a numerical display showing remaining score required to earn your equipped Scorestreaks, which appears briefly on respawn and after closing the Scoreboard.Improved Scorestreak tablet cursor speed.Improved visibility of Scorestreak tablet red dots for indoor enemies.
- Cooldowns Added variation to Scorestreak cooldowns to allow for more interesting player choices and strategy, while also reducing low-end Scorestreak spam.
- Miscellaneous Updated default Scorestreak selection.Updated Scorestreak descriptions with more detail on new functionality.Improved rumble/camera shake on Scorestreak events.
- General spawn adjustments across all modes.
- Enemies in Gunboats will now properly cancel spawns within their line of sight.
- Flak Jacket Flak Jacket damage reduction reduced by 5%.
- Paranoia Updated the sound for when an enemy is aiming at you with Paranoia equipped.
- Frag Improved Frag throwback speed.
- Stim Shot Cooldown increased from 8 seconds to 11 seconds.
- Decoy Duration reduced from 20 seconds to 15 seconds.Decoy will now play a static sound effect every few seconds, so attentive players can discern fake footsteps from real ones.
Field Upgrades
- Field Mic Field Mic listening radius reduced by 10%.Field Mic cooldown increased to from 3:00 to 3:30.
- Added Military Ranks up to 55 in standard player progression.
- Added Seasonal Prestige player progression system, beginning at launch after completing Military Rank 55.
- Added Challenges for Campaign, Multiplayer, and Zombies.
- Added unlockable Weapon Camos.
- Player and weapon customization now available.
- Added Combat Record.
- Added Theater support.
- Added Multiplayer bot support.
- Added Finishing Move support.
- Added Weapon Inspect support.
Game Audio
- General Polished volumes and sound falloffs for weapons, foley audio, ambient systems, and map transitions.Additional map sound design improvements.
- Gameplay Audio Improved weapon and footstep sounds.Improved hit marker sounds.Improved player damage feedback sounds.
- Acoustics Polished acoustics systems that simulate how sounds travel through/around geometry.Since the Beta, we've created new reverbs for multiple areas, polished filter values so full occlusion now sounds more natural, and tweaked the way interior and exterior sounds blend as you move through spaces.Tuned acoustics of every map.This affects how the map geometry influences every sound, from reverb (how sounds bounce and echo) to occlusion (how objects block sound waves). Map acoustics are based on physical simulations of sound waves travelling through the map. As a result, all sounds should feel even more immersive and realistic, with a high level of fidelity.
- Music Player Added Music Player, allowing players to listen to music tracks unlocked by playing the game.Players can select tracks as their menu music or in-game music.
- Audio Presets Added multiple audio mix presets.
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