Sam has good self-preserving mechanism, so he does quick non-thinking stunt when another speeding train comes his way and you're caught in the middle
Using heat mode while slowly moving at the side of the train (watch for windows so the passengers wouldn't spot you)
Removing the body from the patrolling or lighted area is a constant must in this game
Time to play around with some switches
Under the speeding train, what all Sam won't do just to evade being spotted
When eliminating some guard, check his pockets for possible useful items
On top of the speeding train, if you try to walk you'll be blown away easily
Sam is about to jump on the speeding train from the osprey
In between missions there are various news clips, as in the original
Switching to heat view will enable you to see soldiers you otherwise could and would not
In a sniper mode, too bad you can't see much from all this smoke present
Using optic camera to see what's on the other side of the door
If you sneak from behind and press X, you'll grab enemy soldier as hostage and can interrogate him, use as a shield, or render unconscious
Depending upon mission, Sam will have more or less a variety of weapons and gadgets at his disposal
Aiming from the corner, too bad you don't have green light to kill anyone yet, so shooting lights should be the alternative to killing
During first few missions, you'll be prompted how to do certain move such as crouching, flipping, attacking and what all not
There's no lock Sam cannot pick... almost none
Now there's a new technique, shooting while hanging downwards
When areas get inaccessible, you may have to resort to slower but less space requiring moving technique
Sliding downwards, and all Sam needs is a pair of gloves, what a hero
Check your notepad to see any informations necessary to your current mission
Switching to night vision eliminates any sight problems during nighttime
Nighttime is best for sneaking unnoticed, but also hard to play if you rely on eyes only
Time wasn't so generous upon Sam, he seemed to have aged more than he should've
Profile menu
Main loading screen
Main menu selection
The quiet in the night is broken by the attack at the US embassy
Opening cinematic shows the calm night over a small port somewhere in the world
Ubisoft logo
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