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Configuring a VS. match: decrease (or increase) the damage level and choose one of the 12 stages available to battle.
Imagine the big migraine that Blanka can be feeling now...
Make the enemy to suffer using an audacious Hurricane Kick, it's a big deal!
Dhalsim's Yoga Fire surpasses the fast kicks barrier created by Chun-Li: this is bad!
M. Bison strikes back the Chinese fighter with a Psycho Crusher, but she prepares the defense at time.
Chun-Li hits a very styled kick in Zangief: this is just the beginning!
Zangief's Double Lariat striking Ken's face
Win a round with full health for "PERFECT" is great!
Ken throws the wild Blanka
Persuaded for Chun-Li and her throw.
Dhalsim's rotating kick: hit connected!
The impact moment is close: in instants, Ken will feel Guile's Flash Kick power size!
X-Ray examination... :-D
Break an enormous stack of bricks is an excellent exercise for the body and a great way to increase the score!
Ken was perfectly smashed by Ryu's Shoryuken!
Fourth and final boss M. Bison shows Guile that he ain't the end boss for nothing
Third boss Sagat discovers that Dhalsim's legs are pretty long
Second boss Vega climbs in the fence
Ken takes an uppercut on the chin from first boss Balrog
Guile jumps over, what is probably, the most famous projectile ever to be included in a fighting game.
E. Honda protects his face from Chun Li's fancy footwork
Dhalsim sets Ken on fire with his yoga flame
Zangief wrecking a car in one of the bonus mini-games
Post-match insults to humiliate the loser
Zangief shows off one of his wrestling moves
Blanka puts his teeth in Ken's neck, tasty!
E. Honda gets kicked in the face by Ryu
Character info for the deadliest chick on the block: Chun Li
In this original version there are 8 different fighters available. As you can see, the character portraits are not very sophisticated in this version.
The title screen
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aktualisiert: 08.02.2023, 10:02 Uhr | 30 Bilder
aktualisiert: 16.08.2012, 18:08 Uhr | 10 Bilder
aktualisiert: 28.03.2018, 15:03 Uhr | 4 Bilder
aktualisiert: 19.09.2017, 17:09 Uhr | 20 Bilder
aktualisiert: 23.07.2021, 14:07 Uhr | 11 Bilder
aktualisiert: 25.09.2024, 12:09 Uhr | 13 Bilder
aktualisiert: 13.09.2024, 11:09 Uhr | 10 Bilder
aktualisiert: 05.09.2024, 10:09 Uhr | 5 Bilder
aktualisiert: 18.07.2024, 17:07 Uhr | 3 Bilder
aktualisiert: 07.07.2024, 12:07 Uhr | 15 Bilder
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Street Fighter II
Genre: Action
Release: 10.06.1992 (SNES)
Genre: Adventure
Entwickler: Galactic Cafe
Release: 17.10.2013 (PC), 1. Quartal 2022 (PS4, Xbox One, Switch)
Genre: Action-Adventure
Entwickler: Rocksteady Studios
Release: 02.02.2024 (PC, PS5, Xbox Series X/S)
Genre: Rennspiel
Entwickler: Stellar Entertainment
Release: 06.11.2020 (PC, PS4, Xbox One), 13.11.2020 (Switch)
Entwickler: Yellow Brick Games
Release: 28.01.2025 (PC, PS5, Xbox Series X/S)
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