This must ache a bit!
Since the most remote times, Chun-Li continues a exceptional fighter. No doubt!
If possible, avoid be hit by Tiger Uppercut!
Birdie's special move takes off dust of the soil! But this strength impression is pure deceit...
She possess a Hurricane Kick of inferior level, but already is a progress...
Sakura shows that knows to fight, although to be a simple college student!
I will say only two words: Raging Demon!
Charlie's Flash Kick is a good alternative to counter air attacks and defenseless enemies...
Doing the teleport.
The Psycho Crusher is a powerful move when used successfully.
Continue screen.
Wait some seconds and watch a demonstration fight to relax!
Akuma's teleport is different in SNES version. The visual is weak, but the efficiency is the same!
It's revenge time!
Finishing with a Super Combo.
Akuma's Hurricane Kick is a lot more efficient, I think.
Rose is not intimidated in using all type of existing witchcraft.
This fight can be determined with the lassoing of a simple chain...
A move applied in the exact hour can decide the combat. And cancel the challenger move!
To obtain a "PERFECT", the player needs be careful and have good abilities.
The most common move in fighting games. Am I right or not?
When your power bar reaches a certain limit, you can activate the Custom Combo!
You can use the Tatsumaki-Senpuu-Kyaku to cause multiple hits and headaches in your adversary.
Here, the 5 best player scores are displayed. Battle and increase your ranking!
Ken humiliates the adversary (OK, nor in such a way thus...)
Select your best character here. Fighters of variate styles and countries are available.
Configure your battle option in this screen: damage level, difficulty, etc.
Ryu and Ken show its more famous and powerful move. Necessary to say which it is?
Akuma always revealed to be an imponent fighter.
Title screen.
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