Did the Prince of Persia ever find himself trapped in an executive-class bathroom? If I can't reach the door out, it's ultimately no less fatal than a spike-trap.
We don't just stroll the luxury quarters -- your travels take you into the very guts of the ship.
The only final death is after the fateful hour is up, but burning, drowning and falling all diminish the remaining time available.
A hard landing (longer than four player-heights) will cost you valuable time
Great, now the lights are out!
Going from bad to worse
As if all this water wasn't bad enough -- you also have /fire/ hazards to contend with!
Leading survivors to safety plays a surprisingly major role -- you need to tap into some of their specialised skills.
Motivating survivors to make an escape attempt.
Interacting with survivors -- if you live long enough to encounter any!
Acrobatic deeds of derring-do -- just to navigate the wreckage + get around, we're forced to dangle from upside-down staircases.
The sinking ship tilts to one of its subtler angles
Cabin now upsidedown, strewn with corpses -- and do mind the falling furniture!
Ker-blammo! This is what hits them.
The foreshadowing -- it's almost as if the characters knew what was about to hit them!
As you can see, no detail was overlooked in the layout of this vessel. Soon, unfortunately, the whole boat will become one big water closet.
Interrogation prompt
Introducing a protagonist in an in-game cinematic
Setting the scene
Character selection -- rifle through their ID cards
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