Note that you cannot kill a shibito, it won't take too long before they get up and continue their chase after you, and next time, you won't have any more bullets to protect yourself
The closer you let shibito come, more precise you'll be and damage rate to shibito will be higher
Looking through the shibito (note the crosses he sees, that marks where you are)
In the archive you can see every item picked by any of the characters you controlled so far
You're lucky if your character has a gun, but even so, bullets aren't to be wasted
Different character may have different commands at his/her disposal
You can observe situation from your allies as well as from nearby shibitos
Link navigator helps you remember the order of stories you played and with whom
You can turn off your flashlight, but if shibito has one too, you're far from invisible
Didn't anyone tell you it's not wise to walk with a flashlight over a spooky places?
Risa Onda... another lost soul in this haunted place
You die easily in this game, and when you do, the camera switches to your killer's eyes as you crumple down
Looking at the area map
You can check your character's info as you'll be switching them constantly
Hiding behind the truck from the zombie cop (duh, but with a flashlight turned on)
Hm, nothing useful in these barrels
Kyoya Suda seems surprised by what he's witnessing
A blind girl with her dog... she seems to be smacking something (note that cutscenes are using ingame graphics)
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