Donate to the church and I'll heal all your wounds!
Reddish brick dungeon
Important rooms always have an English title
At this place you get a totally different picture in SNES and Playstation versions. The city looks much less "New Yorkish" and more appropriately post-apocalyptic in the PS version
The world map has underwent major changes since the first SMT and is now in neat 3D
You can name all the important characters of the game if you choose to say you remember their names
You think you are the future Einstein?
I'm sorry sir... but judging from your clothes... do you really have enough money to lose to our casino?
People just pop out of nowhere, and keep popping at the same place and saying the same stuff no matter what
Stairs is a "conditio sine qua non" for a SMT dungeon
Discos and young people visiting them exist even in a post-apocalyptic world, as we see
Junk dealer
Fortune-shmortune... I gotta level up, don't you see?!
Relax and enjoy the game!
Who is this guy in the wheelchair? Can it be...
Virtual reality
Armor shop
A standard 3D dungeon
My room. Doesn't look too fancy...
Area map
Wandering through abstract dungeons
Talk to the enemy or fight it - the most famous gimmick of SMT series
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