Catching up with the time. Ryo has to reach certain mountain before it gets too dark. That means, not many mistakes are allowed.
When Ryo has more things to talk about, the dialogue will be quite selectable.
When you are able to do certain action (e.g. talk, open, etc.), the buttons will shift to appropriate icon to notify you of that.
You can speed up the dialogue by pressing B button during an ingame conversation. It doesn't work for cinematics quite that way, though.
Mmm, guess busses don't go this road.
What, only 12th floor? When will I ever reach 40th with so many guards on every floor!?
Press X or get kick in the teeth. Sometimes, even one mistake may prove fatal.
As much as real fights take place, the real fun lies in quick-time event ones.
Walking over the plank on 15th floor requires some quick reflexes and not looking down.
In real, non qucik-time event, battles, you can see opponent's and Ryo's health bar. And the speed of the moves.
Ryo checking out the temple's backyard.
Shots-viewer allows you to see the shots that you've captured during the game.
Main Menu
You can examine places up close from 1st-person perspective whenever neccessary.
By default, you will have to navigate your way yourself. But sometimes, you will be able to get a map of a place (lower left corner).
As in original, Ryo will still write everything in his notebook in case he forgets.
Destiny brings interesting people together during this game's events.
Ryo is always ready to save girls crazy enough to jump in the wild river during the rainstorm.
Camera showing Kowloon and Hong Kong as Ryo travels to Kowloon in search of Yuanda Zhu.
After getting to Kowloon, you'll get a sidekick, Ren, a thief who does most of the talking, but in situations like this, even he may be left without words.
Dou Niu will be the toughest foe to defeat, and you shall constantly find yourself chased by him or his men.
Throughout the game, you will obtain several photographs, and some you will carry even from the original Shenmue.
Learning moves can be painful, but well worthy.
With such an ingame graphic, who could possibly need pre-rendered cinematics, ya?
Letting memories of the past taking the front scene, yet staying mysterious enough for the player.
Ryo continues his journey, still seeking revenge, even if that means breaking the rules.
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