One of the bosses, sure uneasy to fight with, as there are usually multiple targets, but still, not unbeatable.
Aya, in a hunt for renegade police shepherd, that is soon to become one of the bosses to fight with. But it's even tougher to catch that guy with all the monsters around, so finding a scientist with a medkit like here is pretty comfortable.
Sometimes, a darker shadowed background is put behind the text for readability, though I dunno why 'cos this game is pretty dark at any point.
Therefore the best elimination method is one by one, and between their firing back atcha.
It's good to study your opponent before striking from a far, as it can shot you while you're shooting, and in this case, poison you badly.
In the midst of any battle and/or adventuring, you can call your menu bar and change like weapons, use items or use parasite powers (with time, the menu will increase to more possibilities).
In cases like this, when it's way too close combat, you don't have to think about your weapon range, only how to proper dodge enemy attacks.
Beside they're poisonous, snakes do not present much of a threat. The net you see around Aya shows the current weapon range.
Your partner, Daniel, must hurry in order to save his son.
Police car with Daniel and Aya inside, racing towards the park.
Dialogues in PE are sure better than the ones in FF series, not windowed, and always mark who's talking.
Phones, like this one in a precinct, is always a good place to save your game, as you can never predict the next danger.
Fighting Eve for second time, but certainly not the last one.
Seems like Melissa is actually not a bad girl, it's her mitochondria that went wild over her.
Melissa's room holds a secret that will unfold her past, and give you a few hints.
Just right after the concert, you gotta do the sweep of the theater in order to find some clues.
It's advised to search everything 'cos you might find something... like key for example
Main Menu (EX Game option appears only if you've finished the game, and gives you the chance to play it again with already gained level of experience)
Aya (your character) from the profile. Everything seems to be over, but memories are still present.
Final battle with Eve.
Eve (in Melissa's body), has just stolen the sperm from the hospital in order to give a birth to ultimate being.
Escaping in the nick of time as falling craft hits the hospital roof.
Navy strikes were all doomed from the beginning.
Aya, on a chariot with a horse on fire.
As Eve (Melissa) started her vocal point, people are set on fire, all except Aya.
Main Title
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