Concept art of Howie, the white German Shepherd
Some of the artwork of Fiona
Animation viewer lets you see characters' various animations and outfits
Debilitas and Fiona finally came at peace with each other... he seems to be the only "goodguy" beside Fiona, anyway
After finishing the game once, you'll be able to change both Fiona's and Hewie's outlook
Oh no, the bridge is gone, gotta find a way to raise it somehow
Into the forest we go
After solving the book puzzle in the library, the path to the projector room will open
Fiona may want to believe otherwise but what's happening to hear is quite real
Typing machines can be found but not to save your game but for making key plates
Hewie's attacking Riccardo who is invisible to Fiona's eyes
Drinking water from any faucet will fully restore Fiona's stamina
After Fiona befriends Hewie, they'll help each other throughout this nightmare
Fiona's close encounter with Debilitas
Sketch map of the Belli Castle... may prove useful if only to see where save points are
Certain loose walls, doors, and obstacles Fiona can break open
Dining room
Hope noone will mind me exploring these castle walls a bit more
Switching to more agile clothes... almost royal-like
Meeting the mysterious maid, Daniella... but then again, everything seems mysterious about this place
Maybe I should check this tv set... assuming it still works
Finally, some unlocked door
Where am I... what is this estate... who lives here, and how did I end up here?
It's not a good way to explore your surroundings with nothing but sheets on you... better try to find something more comfy
Fiona wakes up just to realise she's locked up in a cage in a rather dreadful room
Options screen
Main Menu
Main Title
Intro cinematic shows Fiona in a way that makes other game heroines rather forgettable
Capcom logo (with animated Fiona and Howie in the background)
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