Save Screen
Crash's Normal Death Animation
"Tiny" the Tiger is the first boss of the game.
Cortex as a Roman Emperor
When Crash beats a level, he does a "happy dance."
Coca leaves the playing area, allowing Crash to continue.
After collecting a purple crystal, indicating that you beat the level, this animation shows.
Upon beating a previously set time achievement in time trial mode, you get to enter your three letter name.
Upon beating the set time in time trail mode, you get either a sapphire, gold or platinum relic, depending on how hard the time was to beat.
These transparent boxes become solid and contain gems if you destroy all the boxes in a given level.
Scuba Crash
Coco fell off her tiger.
Crash Executing a belly-Flop on Some Boxes
Crash hangs around on some levels.
Bonus Level
Platforms bearing a "?" take crash to bonus levels.
C Boxes allow you to restart at the last C Box you destroy after you die.
Coco Wiped Out
Coco can perform a few tricks on the Jetski. This flip being one of them
Coco Riding a Jetski
When entering levels, the boss characters will often speak to you.
Crash's sister, Coco, is used to play a few levels.
Spheres like this transport Crash to and from levels.
Platforms like this are "gates" for sets of five levels.
The Evil Uka Uka
Crash and Company at Home
Cortex's destroyed space station plummets to earth.
Title Screen
You might want to hurry
The central room leads to (almost) all levels, reducing traveling time.
Game Loading Animation
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