Entwickler Respawn hat seinem Mehrspieler-Shooter Titanfall nun auf PC und Xbox One den ersten Patch spendiert, der sich zu gleichen Teilen Fehlerbehebungen und Balance-Änderungen widmet. Vor allem Letztere stoßen dabei nicht bei allen Spielern auf uneingeschränkte Gegenliebe. So wurden etwa neben Anpassungen bei einigen Waffen und Eigenschaften auch die Punkte reduziert, die man in den Modi Capture the Flag und Hardpoint erhält - etwa für erfolgreiches Verteidigen oder das Ausschalten des Flaggenträgers.
Titanfall -3/21/2014 Patch Notes:
Balancing adjustments and general changes:
- The damage indicator from Electric Smoke is now much more noticeable
- Search Drones will now show up in Classic Modes of Angel City
- Arc grenade/mine effects no longer draw on friendly Pilots and Titans
- Lowered the point value of defensive actions in Hardpoint mode and CTF.
- Increased the score limit in Attrition
- Flag Return points reduced
- Flag Carrier killed points reduced
- Explosives detonated by Dead Man's Trigger are now slightly delayed
- Explosives detonated by Dead Man's Trigger now play a warning sound before exploding
- Slightly decreased the damage of the Smart Pistol when not locked onto a Pilot
- Slightly decreased the hip-fire accuracy of the Smart Pistol
- Certain Burn Cards could be exploited to give multiple uses
- Evac Dropships are now more responsive to Pilots entering them
- Hacking a Mega Turret will now restore it's health to full
- Cluster Missiles damage reduced against Evac Dropships
Bug Fixes:
- Titan could become stuck in the position he lands in
- Auto-Titan wouldn't stand up until you embarked into it
- Several rare server issues restarting the game in to the lobby
- Pilot could end up out of bounds while rodeoing a Titan as it is destroyed
- Pilot could warp through certain locations when jumping off a Titan
- Rodeoing a Titan that has been doomed by your SMR could kill you
- Players being able to enter some geometry in Smuggler's Cove
- Titanfall will now give proper kill credit when it kills a Pilot embarking into their Titan
- Minions in Attrition now continue to spawn until the Epilogue begins
- Player couldn't hack a Mega Turret console
- Server would sometimes error when leeching a Spectre
- Hardpoints sometimes awarded defense score to players not near the Hardpoint
- Rare issue when ejecting from a Titan
- Server would sometimes error after a match while returning to the lobby
- Double XP burn card sometimes not being applied properly
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