Update, 28. Februar - Der angekündigte Patch 1.2.0 für Pokémon Karmesin und Purpur ist jetzt live und kann heruntergeladen werden.
Der kommende Patch (Version 1.2) für Pokémon Karmesin und Purpur wurde bereits vor mehreren Wochen angekündigt, nun steht nicht nur der Release-Zeitraum fest, sondern auch die komplette Liste der Patch-Notes (via Serebii).
Wann erscheint Update 1.2 für Karmesin und Purpur?
- Ende Februar 2023 (ein konkretes Datum steht noch aus)
- Größe des Patches: 485 MB
Pokémon Karmesin/Purpur Update 1.2 - Was bringt der Patch?
Nützliche Funktionen: Mit Patch 1.2 soll es möglich sein, direkt über die Pokémon-Box die Spitznamen eurer Monster sowie getragene Items und mehr zu ändern. Außerdem können Attacken direkt über die Box neu angeordnet, vergessen oder wieder erlernt werden.
Darüber hinaus hat der kommende Patch primär weitere Bugfixes im Gepäck, die sowohl Tera-Raids und Kämpfe als auch generell das Spiel betreffen. So wird beispielsweise ein Bug behoben, der dafür sorgt, dass sich das Spiel selbstständig schließt, wenn ihr bestimmte Gebiete oder Städte betretet. Um das Problem zu fixen, wird die Anzahl wilder Pokémon und NPCs reduziert, die ihr an betroffenen Orten trefft.
Nur Bugfixes, keine Stabilität: Karmesin und Purpur hat seit dem Release teils mit erheblichen Performance-Einbrüchen zu kämpfen, insbesondere wenn wir auf Koraidon/Miraidon schnell durch die Weltgeschichte reiten, ruckelt das Spiel. In den Patchnotes finden sich allerdings keine Einträge über geplante Verbesserungen bezüglich dessen.
Was brachte der vorherige Patch? Hier sind alle Änderungen des Updates 1.1.0 im Überblick:
Pokémon Karmesin/Purpur Update 1.2 - Alle Patch Notes
Feature Adjustments
Additional functionality will be added for Pokémon Boxes:
- From a Pokémon's summary, players will be able to change Pokémon's nicknames, markings, held items, and mark- or Ribbon-related titles, as well as being able to reorder moves, have Pokémon remember moves, have Pokémon forget moves, and use TMs.
- Players will be able to swap out held items by pressing the Y Button when in the Held Items view.
- Players will be able to select All Boxes while moving Pokémon or items in the Party and Boxes view and Held Items view.
- When in the Battle Team view, Pokémon in your Boxes that are assigned to a Battle Team will now have their icons displayed in a darker hue if those Pokémon are members of the Battle Team that is currently being displayed.
Bug Fixes
- Tera Raid Battles
- A bug that can prevent an opposing Tera Pokémon's HP gauge from properly reflecting damage done by certain moves (such as Play Rough) or certain status conditions may occur in Tera Raid Battles, resulting in the Tera Pokémon's HP gauge fluctuating in an unusual manner. This will be fixed.
- A bug that causes all Pokémon on your side to faint at once despite their HP gauges indicating that they still have HP may occur in black crystal Tera Raid Battles against Pokémon with the Mightiest Mark. This will be fixed.
- A bug that can temporarily prevent a player from entering any input into the game may occur if a Tera Pokémon takes certain actions while the player is choosing the target of their move. This will be fixed.
- Errors may occur when someone connecting to a Tera Raid Battle sees a different Pokémon displayed on their screen than what the host sees. This will be fixed.
- A bug may occur that causes players joining a Tera Raid Battle from the Tera Raid Battles search screen to be brought to a Tera Raid Battle against a Pokémon different from the one they saw displayed. This will be fixed.
- A bug that causes Tera Raid Battle crystals to not appear for a set amount of time may occur under certain circumstances. This will be fixed.
- Battles
- Type matchups against Pokémon that have fainted will no longer appear when selecting a move or target during Double Battles.
- A Zoroark that has Terastallized and is disguised as another Pokémon via its Illusion Ability can be identified as a Zoroark by using the Check Target option. This is a bug and will be fixed.
- When a Zoroark has Terastallized and is disguised as another Pokémon via its Illusion Ability, the type matchups of moves are displayed based on the type of the Pokémon that Zoroark is disguised as, rather than Zoroark's Tera Type. This is a bug and will be fixed.
- The stats of a Dondozo with a Tatsugiri in its mouth will increase when Dondozo uses Order Up, even when the move should have been negated (for example, by an opponent using Protect). This is a bug and will be fixed.
- If a Pokémon Terastallizes after using Destiny Bond and then faints, the effects of Destiny Bond will fail to activate. This is a bug and will be fixed.
- Other
- We will address an issue that can cause the game to forcibly close at certain locations. As a result of this fix, there may be a reduction of Pokémon and people displayed in certain towns or in the wild.
- When a Pokémon that is not a part of the Paldea Pokédex is obtained through a Link Trade, it is displayed as being registered to the Paldea Pokédex. This is a bug and will be fixed.
- Certain actions can cause the main character's expressions to not change until the game is closed and reopened. This will be fixed .
- A bug occurred for some players after Ranked Battles Season 1, wherein visiting the Ranked Battles screen immediately after the season's results had been calculated caused an error right after these players received their rewards. Following this error, players were unable to participate in any further Ranked Battles. This will be fixed.
- If a player has created several Battle Teams but does not use the Battle Team in the first slot for their Ranked Battles, they may not receive the Master Rank Ribbon after winning Ranked Battles in the Master Ball Tier. This will be fixed .
- When a Pokémon you caught comes back to you from another player through Link Trade, it may not listen to your commands in accordance with what is written in the profile app ("Pokémon caught at Lv. XX or below will listen to your commands"). This will be fixed .
- A bug is preventing the Pokédex from displaying additional entries (such as entries for Shiny Pokémon or Pokémon that were received through Surprise Trade from players that play in a different language) for Pokémon species that were already registered in the Pokédex. This will be fixed.
- Objects such as Poké Balls may be displayed in certain locations of the field unintentionally. This will be fixed.
- Passersby will no longer be displayed during certain battles that take place in towns during the main story.
- Other select bug fixes will be implemented.
Um das Update herunterladen zu können, müsst ihr eure Nintendo Switch mit dem Internet verbinden. Eine Switch-Online-Mitgliedschaft ist dafür nicht von Nöten.
Unser Test-Video zu Karmesin und Purpur seht ihr hier:
Pokémon Karmesin und Purpur ist seit November 2022 exklusiv für die Nintendo Switch erhältlich und entführt uns erstmals in der Geschichte der beliebten Taschenmonster-Reihe in eine nahtlose Open World. Allerdings hat das RPG nach wie vor mit technischen Problemen zu kämpfen, die Game Freak mit Patches zu bekämpfen versucht.
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