Ab sofort können wir uns Patch 1.13 für Horizon Zero Dawn herunterladen (via Dualshockers). Das Update lässt uns unsere eigene Hintergrundmusik abspielen, während wir mit Aloy Robodinos jagen (und gegen einen Donnerkiefer ist Metallicas Ride the Lightning mit Sicherheit der perfekte Song).
Mehr:Horizon Zero Dawn - Action-RPG hat "neue Grafik-Standards" gesetzt, The Last of Us 2 soll das toppen
Außerdem dürfen wir nun endlich Schatztruhen mit unbrauchbaren Gegenständen fallen lassen. Eine ganze Reihe von Bugfixes hat das Update ebenfalls im Gepäck. Hier findet ihr die Patch-Notes:
Horizon Zero Dawn - Patch-Notes für Update 1.13
• Added support for background music playback.
• Added the ability to drop treasure chests.
Progression Fixes
• Fixed an issue in "The Point of the Spear" where some players could escape the quest area and get stuck here, blocking progression of this quest.
• Fixed an issue in "A Seeker at the Gates" where some players could get stuck behind the gates to All-Mother Mountain.
• Fixed an issue in "The City of the Sun" where some players were able to exit Olin's basement during the 'Investigate Olin's Secret Workshop' objective.
• Fixed an issue in "The Grave-Hoard" where the objective would not update when some players fast traveled away after activating the Holo Projector.
• Fixed an issue in "Deep Secrets of the Earth" where some players could avoid triggering a cutscene, resulting in the quest not progressing.
• Fixed an issue in "Fatal Inheritance" where talking to Ranaman after freeing Daradi would cause Daradi to disappear for some players.
• Fixed an issue in "Hammer and Steel" where for some players the quest objective would not update after gathering all nine Behemoth Cables.
• Fixed an issue in Cauldron Xi where some players could avoid triggering a cutscene, resulting in the quest not progressing.
General Fixes
• Fixed an issue in "The Point of the Spear" where the objective 'Meet Rost at the North Gate' would always be marked as failed for some players in the objective log.
• Fixed an issue in "The Point of the Spear" where the fix for duplicate spears introduced in Patch 1.12 would not solve the issue for some player if they already finished "In her Mother's Footsteps".
• Fixed an issue after "The Proving" for certain players where Aloy would not retrieve her Focus after visiting Rost. • Fixed an issue where some players could permanently lose the Tearblaster in their playthrough after selling it at a merchant. The Tearblaster will now be available to purchase from certain merchants after completing 'Hunter's Blind'.
• Fixed an issue where a pile of Ancient Debris appeared to be located underground for certain players.
• Fixed an issue where some players were not able to pick up their loot when it was dropped in water.
• Fixed an issue in the "Gatelands" Bandit Camp where some players could get stuck in a rock after performing a 'Strike from below'. • Fixed an issue when certain players would try to mount during Aloy's falling animation, causing Aloy to float in midair.
Crash Fixes
• Fixed various miscellaneous crashes.
Horizon Zero Dawn - PS4 gegen PS4 Pro im Grafik-Vergleich
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