Electronic Arts hat das vierte Titel Update von FIFA 19 für den PC (Konsolen-Version folgt wie immer später) veröffentlicht und kurz nach seinem Release sorgt der neue Patch bereits für Jubel bei den Fans. Die wichtigste Neuerung in den Patch Notes lautet nämlich, dass die KI-Verteidiger abgeschwächt wurden.
Wenn ein Verteidiger nicht von einem Spieler selbst gesteuert wird, wird er künftig zum einen nicht mehr so häufig Schüsse blocken und zum anderen nur noch in einem kleineren Radius den Gegner angreifen können. Viele FIFA-Spieler überlassen in der Defensive nämlich gerne mal der KI die schwierigen Zweikämpfe, weil die computergesteuerten Abwehrspieler bislang meist sehr stark verteidigt haben.
Durch das Titel Update 4 ändert sich das nun allerdings. Deshalb sollte es sich künftig wieder deutlich mehr lohnen, die Verteidiger selbst zu steuern. Außerdem verbessert der Patch die Effektivität von gut getimten Tackles. Allgemein kommt es in der Defensive wieder mehr auf die tatsächlichen Fähigkeiten eines Spielers an und nicht mehr so sehr auf Glück mit der KI.
"Verteidigen funktioniert wieder wie in FIFA 13"
Im FIFA-Subreddit reagieren die Fans mit großer Begeisterung auf die Änderungen. Der Patch sorge endlich wieder dafür, dass Skill in FIFA 19 belohnt wird. Der User therartistgr schreibt zum Beispiel:
"Die KI-Defensive wurde generft! Die Skill Gap ist so viel größer geworden! Das Spiel macht wieder Spaß, denn das Verteidigen funktioniert wieder wie in FIFA 13. Man muss tatsächlich einen Knopf drücken, um an den Ball zu kommen. "
Auf dem PC ist das Titel Update Nummer 4 917 MB groß. Für die PS4 und die Xbox One wird der Patch voraussichtlich nächste Woche veröffentlicht.
Patch Notes des FIFA 19 Titel Updates #4
Welche Neuerungen, Bugfixes und Verbesserungen das neue FIFA-Update sonst noch mit sich bringt, erfahrt ihr in den Patch Notes:
Made the following changes:
- We have made some changes to reduce the effectiveness of defending by AI Teammates.
- In order to make the shot blocking of a defender that is being controlled by an AI Teammate less effective, we have reduced the distance that an AI Teammate defender will stretch to block a shot.
- In order to make the tackling of a defender that is being controlled by an AI Teammate less effective, we have reduced the distance that an AI Teammate defender will stretch when making a tackle.
- Here is what we mean by an "AI Teammate":
- An AI Teammate is any player on the pitch that is not being controlled by a human, or is not the CPU AI Controlled Player.
- AI Teammates exist in the following circumstances:
- On a team with no human players.
- For example, the CPU-controlled team in Squad Battles.
- On a team with a human controlled player(s) that are not locked to specific players.
- For example, both teams in FUT Division Rivals.
- On a team with a human player(s) that are locked to specific players, that also has CPU teammates.
- For example, a Pro Clubs team with less than 11 human players.
- AI Teammates do not exist in the following circumstances:
- On a team with human players who are all locked to specific players.
- For example, a Pro Clubs team, with 11 human players.
- Increased the impact to fatigue of playing with defensive pressure.
- This change will have the biggest impact to fatigue when playing with Constant Pressure enabled in your active Game Plan or when playing with Team Press active.
- This change will have reduced impact to fatigue when playing with Pressure On Heavy Touch or Pressure After Possession Loss enabled in your active Game Plan.
- To make a well-timed tackle more effective, we have increased the tendency of the ball to travel further from the dribbler after the tackle, increasing the likelihood that the dribbler will lose possession of the ball.
- Reduced the number of first time passes that CPU AI Controlled players will make out of their defensive third of the pitch when playing on Legendary or Ultimate difficulty.
- A refresher on what we mean by "CPU AI Controlled players".
- The CPU plays the game as you would, limited by the same input restrictions that a human player is.
- This means that the CPU team has an active player, just like you do, which we call the CPU AI-controlled player.
- A CPU AI-controlled player exists in the following circumstances:
- On a team with no human players.
- For example, the CPU-controlled team in Squad Battles.
- On a team with human players who are all locked to specific players, that also has CPU teammates.
- For example, a Pro Clubs team, with less than 11 human players, with no "ANY" player.
- A CPU AI-controlled player does not exist in the following circumstances:
- On a team with human players who are not locked to specific players.
- For example, a team in FUT Champions.
Addressed the following issues:
- Sometimes when an attacking player is trying to move towards a loose ball close to the goal, they would slow down and be unable to get to the ball effectively.
- If the keeper knocked the ball out of play during a penalty shootout, sometimes it would result in a throw-in being taken.
FIFA Ultimate Team (FUT):
Made the following changes:
- We have continued to make changes to the Division Rivals pre-match flow in an effort to reduce the difficulty of some players finding a match.
- The 'List Members' button is no longer shown during the pre-match flow.
- Voice chat has been disabled in Division Rivals.
Addressed the following issues:
- Stability issue in FUT Champions Channel after watching a replay.
- As a result of this fix, the following issues that were resolved in a previous title update may occur again, and we are working to resolve them in a future title update when available.
- Sometimes, player models were appearing in the background after exiting a match.
- Sometimes, a white box would appear in the background after exiting a match.
- Entering and leaving FUT Champions Channel multiple times would result in no replays being available for viewing.
- The FUT Champions Points redemption window was incorrectly defaulting to 'Redeem Entry Now' and is now defaulting to 'Later'.
- Items on your Transfer Target list were displaying the Bought For price from the previous Item's owner.
Online Modes:
Addressed the following issues:
- Sometimes receiving an error message about online stats reporting failing after completion of a Pro Clubs League or Drop-In Match.
Kick Off:
Addressed the following issues:
- Player's sometimes getting an 'Unable To Retrieve Your Kick Off Name's Data' error message when trying to play a Kick Off match.
Visual / Presentation:
Made the following changes:
- Starheads:Added the assets for 18 new player starheads.
- Enabled legacy assets for 24 player starheads.
- Server side changes are required before these starheads will be available for use in game, please follow @EASPORTSFIFA on Twitter for updates on when these are available.The full list of additions can be found in the Pitch Notes article about this patch, you can find that here.
- Updated the 2D portraits for 2440 players.
- Updates to a number of team kits, crests and banners.
Addressed the following issues:
- The UEFA Champions League Honor Badge was showing after winning the tournament 4 times instead of 5.
- Corrected the home and away kit assignments for Wolfsberger AC.
- Sometimes the crowd would be seen waving a large linesman's flag instead of a team flag.
FIFA 19 - Test-Video: In FIFA steckt mehr als nur FUT und Pay2Win
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