Ab sofort steht das Update 1.0.4 für die iOS-Version des Cyberpunk-Rollenspiels Deus Ex: The Fall im AppStore zum Download bereit. Eine der größten Neuerungen dürfte der Support für das iPad 2 sein, der zuvor nicht gegeben war. Außerdem hat Eidos Montreal die Gegner-KI etwas verbessert und diverse Fehler beseitigt. Die vollständigen Patch-Notes findet ihr unterhalb dieser Meldung.
Des Weiteren hat Eidos Montreal den Release-Termin für die Android-Fassun von Deus Ex: The Fall etwas eingegrenzt. Demnach soll die Veröffentlichung im Verlauf dieses Septembers erfolgen. Einen konkreten Termin wird das Team noch bekanntgeben.
Patch-Notes für Deus Ex: The Fall v1.0.4
iPad 2 is now a supported device
Improved stability on all devices. Fixed rare crashes that could occur in the following areas of gameplay:
- Disabling auto-save will now fully disable auto-save in all situations. Previously, if auto-save had been disabled in the options, the game would still auto-save when exiting a level.
Fixed issue where enemy A.I. seemed to lose sight of the player;
Improved enemy awareness of the player;
Added confirmation box letting you know that you are about to end the game on the final level;
Improved Double Takedown collision;
Fixed bug that allowed the player to reset progress on a hacking node;
Fixed bug that allowed the player to hack a node infinitely;
Fixed bug where the timer would not update on a hacking schematic in the Belltower Helipad;
Fixed bug where during hacking one-way bridges could be used both ways;
Fixed issue with using Smart Vision aug on civilians, cameras, and boxguards;
Fixed player appearing on the wrong floor when entering the Drug Den from the Drug Lab;
Fixed collision on door in Moscow;
Fixed areas where the player could stand up in a vent;
- Fixed certain floor collisions that caused dropped items to not be visible.
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