Ein neues Update für Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare steht ab sofort auf der Xbox One, der PlayStation 4 und dem PC zum Herunterladen bereit. Das verantwortliche Entwicklerstudio Sledgehammer Games hat zudem die offiziellen Patchnotes veröffentlicht.
Der neueste Patch für den Shooter behebt unter anderem einen massiven Fehler im Spiel, der auch als Goliath-Glitch bekannt ist: Mit dem XS1-Goliath-Scorestreak sind ab sofort keine unbegrenzten Lebenspunkte mehr möglich. Außerdem wurde die Möglichkeit, die Exo-Grapple-Fähigkeit auf dem Ascendance Grapple Mosh Pit zu nutzen, beseitigt.
Nachfolgend die kompletten Original-Patchnotes:
Xbox One
Map Updates
- Fixed various out of map exploits across different multiplayer maps.
- Fixed various out of map exploits using Exo Grapple in the Ascendance Grapple Mosh Pit Playlist.
Game Mode Updates
- Players no longer advance more than one gun rank with a multikill in Gun Game.
- Fixed an exploit where players were able to have infinite health using the XS1 Goliath scorestreak.
- Removed the ability for the XS1 Goliath to use the Exo Grapple in the Ascendance Grapple Mosh Pit.
Exo Zombies
- Fixed various out of map exploits where players could remain in place and not be attacked by zombies.
PlayStation 4
Map Updates
- Fixed various out of map exploits across different multiplayer maps.
Game Mode Updates
- Players no longer advance more than one gun rank with a multikill in Gun Game.
- Fixed an exploit where players were able to have infinite health using the XS1 Goliath scorestreak.
Exo Zombies
- Fixed various out of map exploits where players could remain in place and not be attacked by zombies.
Map Updates
- Fixed various out of map exploits across different multiplayer maps.
Game Mode Updates
- Players no longer advance more than one gun rank with a multikill in Gun Game.
- Fixed an exploit where players were able to have infinite health using the XS1 Goliath scorestreak.
Exo Zombies
- Fixed various out of map exploits where players could remain in place and not be attacked by zombies.
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare - Trailer zur zweiten Episode »Exo Zombies: Infection«
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