Seite 3: Alan Wake - Preview (engl.) - Exclusive Interview with Remedy Entertainment

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Alan Wake: Objects like harvesters also can be possessed by the "darkness" Alan Wake: Objects like harvesters also can be possessed by the "darkness"

Alan Wake is clearly inspired by Twin Peaks. What other sources in TV/Literature/Cinema did you use for an inspiration?

Sam Lake:
Stephen King's works were one obvious source of inspiration for us. Many modern TV series had a lot of Impact, Lost, to name just one. There are surprisingly many works of fiction out there where the main character is a writer. Bret Easton Ellis's Lunar Park and Paul Auster’s Book of Illusions come to mind. House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski was one clear source of inspiration for me personally. Of course, the quirky all American small town setting is familiar form various TV series such as Northern Exposure.

» New screenshots in the Alan Wake-Gallery

You've promised an endgame so surprising that you even consider not handing out final versions for review to prevent spoilers. Is Alan Wake constructed around a major twist like certain movies (The Sixth Sense, Memento, The Machinist)?

Sam Lake:
All the films you mention are great movies by the way. They all have a major twist in the end, and you would be hard pressed to come up with a good sequel to any of them. Alan Wake, on the other hand, has been planned as an opening to a larger story, and as such needs an ending that is also the beginning of something larger. Anyway, it is not necesaarily an endgame issue but a broader "spoiler" point. We hate spoilers in general - be it film, TV or games. Frankly, it just robs the audience of an opportunity to enjoy the full story and steals away from the emotional impact involved. With the ending we have I think we have done something that has not been done in games before. I’m not going to go too deeply into this or to analyze it - people will either dig it or not. What I can say is, that we want to have the gamers holding on to their seats for the entire rid. That means you don't know what happens after every corner or every step of the way.

» Translated version (german) of this Alan Wake-Interview

Alan Wake: Large light sources like generators create safe havens for Alans protection Alan Wake: Large light sources like generators create safe havens for Alans protection

So you do consider more "seasons" of Alan Wake?

Sam Lake: I do hope and plan for Alan Wake to become an entertainment franchise, something that transcends a single medium or a single game. Hopefully, Alan Wake becomes a part of broader entertainment… the story and fiction crossing over to various forms of entertainment and further games to come. Clearly the success of this game will define if this dream can come true or not.

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