Läuft gerade Tales from the Borderlands - Teaser-Trailer zur Episode 5 »The Vault of the Traveler«
Tales from the Borderlands - Teaser-Trailer zur Episode 5 »The Vault of the Traveler«

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Tales from the Borderlands - Teaser-Trailer zur Episode 5 »The Vault of the Traveler«

Das Video zeigt unter anderem erste Szenen aus dem Adventure Tales from the Borderlands: Episode 5 - The Vault of the Traveler.

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Tales from the Borderlands

Genre: Adventure

Release: 25.11.2014 (PC, Xbox One), 03.12.2014 (PS4, PS3, Xbox 360), 24.03.2021 (Switch), 19.12.2014 (iOS, Android)