Nicht nur unser GamePro-Test kritisiert Playtonic Games' geistigen Banjo-Kazzoie-Nachfolger Yooka-Laylee wegen seiner Kamera, die mal an Objekten hängenbleibt und mal gar nicht nachjustiert. Wie die Entwickler nun angekündigt haben, wird der 3D-Plattformer zum Launch am 11. April 2017 ein Day-One-Update erhalten, das am Problemkind Kamera schrauben soll. Daneben hagelt es Performance-Verbesserungen und eine ganze Reihe von Bugfixes. Hier der vollständige Changelog:
Yooka-Laylee - Die Patch-Notes zum Day-One-Patch
- [Fixed] Camera will become locked in place after completing Gravity Room challenge in Galleon
- [Fixed] Grappling the seeds as they break in Planker's challenge causes erratic behaviour in Moodymaze Marsh
- [Fixed] Game softlocks and has to be reset if the player leaves the course and faints during the Nimble race in Tribalstack Tropics
- [Fixed] Softlock will sometimes occur on the Hub C slide if the player faints at the same moment as the timer reaching zero
- [Fixed] If the player leaves Brreeeze Block's room in the Icymetric Palace in Glitterglaze Glacier but remains in the world and returns to the same room then the isometric camera will be deactivated
- [Fixed] If player is killed by a bizzy in hub B and knocked back into the archive door at the exact same time, the screen will still transition. When the player respawns, they will be unable to move
- Performance improvements to various camera transitions in the introductory cut scene
- Performance improvements to Shipwreck Creek and Hivory Towers. Various areas have been improved including camera movement
- Performance improvements when using the light beam in the Icymetric Palace within Glitterglaze Glacier
- Performance improvements during the House of Cards ball roll course in Capital Cashino
- Performance improvements in the Bee-Bop arcade game
Yooka-Laylee - Trailer enthüllt die Multiplayer-Modi des Jump & Runs
Yooka-Laylee erscheint am 11. April 2017 für PS4, Xbox One und PC. Eine Nintendo Switch-Version soll es ebenfalls geben, die hat aber noch keinen festen Termin.
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