In Kürze wird das umfangreiche Januar-Update für das Rennspiel-Addon The Crew: Wild Run erscheinen. Doch bereits jetzt hat der Publisher Ubisoft die konkreten Patch-Notes veröffentlicht.
Demnach wird es mit der »Speed Trap Challenge« eine neue Herausforderung geben. Bei diesem Event müssen die Spieler den besten Weg zu bestimmten Radarfallen finden - und zwar mit Höchstgeschwindigkeit. Die Punktzahl errechnet sich dann aus der durchschnittlich gemessenen Geschwindigkeit der einzelnen Radarfallen.
Ebenfalls interessant:Nicht wilder aber besser - Der Test von The Crew: Wild Run
Des Weiteren bauen die Entwickler einen Foto-Modus in The Crew: Wild Run ein, mit dessen Hilfe die Spieler Ingame-Bilder anfertigen werden. Weitere Details zu dieser Funktion will das Team in Kürze nachreichen. Hinzu kommen einige Verbesserungen, Bugfixes und andere Änderungen. Ein konkreter Release-Termin für das Update steht bisher noch nicht fest. Hier die Patch-Notes in der Übersicht:
Patch-Notes für The Crew: Wild Run (Januar-Update)
New Content and Features
- Speed Trap challenge: This new game feature will be introduced during "The Summit" on January 25. In a Speed Trap challenge, a player must find the best path to pass the radar points with the maximum speed. The final score is the player's average speed from all the radar points.
- Photo Mode: More details about this new feature will be shared very soon! This new game feature allows players to take in-game screenshots. Photo mode can be activated anywhere in FreeDrive, with access to various menus and options. For more information, check out our Photo mode news.
- "The Summit" monthly reward bonus: During "The Summit," players can try winning an exclusive vehicle. Chances of winning this vehicle depend on your performances during the last week of the month.
- With this upcoming patch, we are introducing a new change that will add a bonus chance on top of your performance during "The Summit." Participation qualifiers throughout the month will award players with a +5% bonus chance of winning the exclusive vehicle for the month. This +5% bonus will be granted whether you achieve bronze, silver, gold, or platinum medals in any qualifier. If you participate in four qualifiers during the month ranking from bronze to platinum before entering "The Summit," you will already have a +20% chance of winning the exclusive vehicle! For example, a player who ranks silver during "The Summit" would have the usual 10% chance of winning the exclusive vehicle, plus the bonus chance acquired by participating in the various qualifiers for the month.
- Monster Trucks gameplay: Monster trucks have received several adjustments to improve gameplay mechanics during the monster arena challenges. New tricks and combos have been introduced for even more fun, and the scoring system has been tuned as well.
- Crew time attack missions The forced crew missions in qualifiers and "The Summit" can also now be launched in a crew of two or three players.
- Drift missions: The scoring system has been reworked during drift missions. Players who are able to perform long drifts will now be rewarded with even more points.
- Improved handling for several vehicles: Chevrolet Camaro RS 1969 FULL STOCK/STREET/PERF/CIRCUIT/DIRT/RAID 2012 Grand Cherokee SRT8 FULL STOCK/STREET/DIRT Chevrolet Impala Sport Sedan 1967 FULL STOCK/STREET/PERF/CIRCUIT RUF 3400 K FULL STOCK/PERF/CIRCUIT/DIRT/RAID Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione FULL STOCK/PERF/CIRCUIT Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 FULL STOCK/PERF/CIRCUIT 2014 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray FULL STOCK/PERF 2013 Chrysler 300 SRT8 FULL STOCK/STREET
General Fixes
- Improved handling when using driving wheels, manual gearbox and clutch.
- Fixed the spawning location of vehicles in some missions.
The Crew: Wild Run - Launch-Trailer zur Rennspiel-Erweiterung
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