Einen Tag ist es noch hin, bis Quantum Break am 5. April 2016 im Handel erhältlich ist. Und kurz vor der Veröffentlichung des Spiels ist nun auch eine Liste mit sämtlichen im Spiel erreichbaren Achievements im Netz aufgetaucht.
In Quantum Break können Spieler demnach 1.000 Gamerscore-Punkte (GS) erspielen. So gibt es für das erfolgreiche Absolvieren von Akt 5 zum Beispiel 30 GS. Wer das komplette Spiel auf dem höchsten Schwierigkeitsgrad absolviert, bekommt sogar 50 GS.
Nachfolgend eine Übersicht der Achievements, von denen einige auch popkulturelle Referenzen (z.B. Doctor Who, The Legend of Zelda) darstellen.
- Hold on to Your Hope and Burn: You have completed Act 1 of Quantum Break. [GS: 30]
- Not a Friendly Invitation: You have completed Act 2 of Quantum Break. [GS: 30]
- You're Coming With Us: You completed Act 3 of Quantum Break. [GS: 30]
- Then We'll Die Finding Out: You have completed Act 4 of Quantum Break. [GS: 30]
- Your Exceptional Qualities Are Obvious: You have completed Act 5 of Quantum Break. [GS: 30]
- Everybody Gather Around: You Time Blasted 3 enemies at once. [GS: 30]
- Focus. Aim. Pull: You put a bullet in 10 heads while using Dodge Focus. [GS: 30]
- One Foot in Front of Another: You have Time Rushed for a total of 100 meters. [GS: 30]
- Personal Space: You have deflected 200 bullets with the Time Shield. [GS: 30]
- Frozen Lead: You stacked a total of 1000 bullets with Time Stop. [GS: 30]
- Break All Their Toys: You destroyed 15 enemy chronon harnesses. You monster. [GS: 20]
- Area Effect: You blew up 15 enemies. You blew 'em up REAL GOOD. [GS: 15]
- Spreading Ripples: Watch a show episode with all of its Quantum Ripples unlocked. [GS: 10]
- Chronon Surge: Upgraded a time power. [GS: 15]
- Maximum Effort: Fully upgrade all of your time powers. [GS: 20]
- Stop and Go: You fully upgraded Time Stop or Time Dodge. [GS: 20]
- A Link To The Future: You've located one Quantum Ripple and one Intel Item. [GS: 20]
- Knowledge Is Power: You've located all Intel Items. [GS: 20]
- Time Master: You have completed all of Quantum Break. Nice job. [GS: 30]
- Daylight Saving Time: You made time stop for five minutes, a little bit at a time. [GS: 30]
- Mysterious Stranger: You met Beth Wilder, who could've shot you… but didn't. [GS: 20]
- Take That Trip: You entered the time machine. [GS: 20]
- The Countermeasure: You finally got your hands on Will's Countermeasure. [GS: 20]
- A Fracture in Time: You were there when time broke. [GS: 20]
- A William Joyce Original: You found Will's original time machine. [GS: 20]
- Something Fashionable: You got the chronon harness for Beth. [GS: 20]
- Distant Mirror: Beth told you about how she met herself. [GS: 20]
- Last-Second Rescue: You managed to get to Will in time… on the second try. [GS: 20]
- Iron Fist: Paul chose the Hardline path for Monarch Solutions. [GS: 20]
- The Soft Touch: Paul chose the PR path for Monarch Solutions. [GS: 20]
- You and Me:Paul chose to concentrate on his personal connection with Jack. [GS: 20]
- Bigger Fish to Fry: Paul focused his energies on Monarch Solutions and his plan. [GS: 20]
- The Right-Hand Man: Paul decided to trust Martin Hatch. [GS: 20]
- The Doctor: Paul decided to have faith in Dr. Sofia Amaral. [GS: 20]
- Rational Thought: Despite the pain and turmoil within, Paul remained rational and in control of his faculties. [GS: 20]
- Paranoia: Paul chose to give in to his rage and paranoia. [GS: 20]
- Tossing Stones in a Pond: You've triggered all of the Quantum Ripples. [GS: 20]
- Media Baron: Found all Emails, presentations, TV Shows, Radios And Posters [GS: 20]
- Marketing Spiel: You let Paul do his thing. [GS: 25]
- Time Bandit: Completed the game on Casual Difficulty. [GS: 25]
- Time Cop: Completed the game on Normal Difficulty. [GS: 40]
- Time Lord: Completed the game on Hard Difficulty. [GS: 50]
Die vollständige Original-Liste der Achievements in Quantum Break gibt es auf der Webseite Exophase.
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