Das explosive Open-World-Spiel Just Cause 3 für die Playstation 4 ist diese Woche das »Angebot der Woche« und wird in Deutschland im PSN Store für 49,99 Euro statt regulär 69,99 Euro (XL Edition: 64,99 Euro statt 94,99 Euro) angeboten. Aber auch etliche Spiele von EA wie Alice:Madness Returns, Star Wars: Battlefront (50% reduziert auf 34,99 Euro) oder Bulletstorm sind im Preis reduziert. Die komplette Übersicht inklusive Preisangaben:
Angebot der Woche: (bis 10.02.2016)
EA (bis 17.02.2016)
- Alice: Madness Returns
- Army of TWO: The 40th Day - Chapters of Deceit
- Army of TWO The Devil's Cartel
- Battlefield 1943
- Battlefield 3
- Battlefield 3 Premium
- Battlefield 3 DLC
- Battlefield Bundle (4 & Hardline)
- Battlefield 4 (PS3 & PS4)
- Battlefield 4 Premium (PS3 & PS4)
- Battlefield 4 Premium Edition (PS3 & PS4)
- Battlefield 4 DLC (PS3 & PS4)
- Battlefield Hardline Standard Edition (PS3 & PS4)
- Battlefield Hardline Deluxe Edition (PS3 & PS4)
- Battlefield Hardline Ultimate Edition (PS3 & PS4)
- Battlefield Hardline DLC (PS3 & PS4)
- Battlefield: Bad Company 2
- Battlefield: Bad Company 2 DLC
- Bejeweled 3
- Bulletstorm
- Burnout Paradise
- Burnout Paradise DLC
- Burnout Crash!
- Championship Bass
- Command & Conquer Red Alert
- Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 Commander's Challenge
- Command & Conquer
- Red Alert Retaliation
- Crysis
- Crysis 2
- Crysis 2 Maximum Edition
- Crysis 2 DLC
- Crysis 3
- Crysis 3: The Lost Island
- Dante's Inferno
- Dante's Inferno DLC
- Dead Space
- Dead Space 2
- Dead Space 2 DLC
- Dead Space 3
- Dead Space 3 DLC
- Dead Space Extraction
- Dead Space Ignition
- Dead Space Super Bundle
- Deathspank
- DeathSpank: Thongs Of Virtue
- Dragon Age II
- Dragon Age: Origins
- Dragon Age: Origins DLC
- Dragon Age II DLC
- Dragon Age: Inquisition (PS3 & PS4)
- Dragon Age: Inquisition - Game of the Year Edition (PS4)
- Dragon Age: Inquisition Deluxe Edition (PS3 & PS4)
- Dragon Age: Inquisition Deluxe Edition Upgrade (PS3 & PS4)
- Dragon Age: Inquisition DLC (PS3 & PS4)
- EA Sports UFC (PS4)
- EA Sports MMA
- Extreme Pinball
- Fade to Black
- Feeding Frenzy 2: Shipwreck Showdown
- EA Sports FIFA 16 (PS3 & PS4)
- FIFA Street
- Fight Night Champion DLC
- Fuse
- Future Cop: L.A.P.D.
- Hi-Octane
- Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
- Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning DLC
- Madden NFL 16 Deluxe: Season Edition (PS3 & PS4)
- Madden NFL 16 Super Deluxe: Season Edition (PS3 & PS4)
- Madden NFL Arcade
- Magic Carpet
- Mass Effect Trilogy
- Mass Effect
- Mass Effect 2
- Mass Effect 2 DLC
- Mass Effect 3
- Mass Effect 3 DLC
- Medal of Honor European Assault
- Medal of Honor Frontline
- Medal of Honor DLC
- Medal of Honor Warfighter
- MicroBot
- Mirror's Edge
- NBA JAM: On Fire Edition
- EA Sports NBA LIVE 16 (PS4)
- Need for Speed (PS4)
- Need for Speed Deluxe Edition (PS4)
- Need for Speed Deluxe Upgrade (PS4)
- Need for Speed Hot Pursuit
- Need for Speed Hot Pursuit DLC
- Need for Speed Most Wanted
- Need for Speed Most Wanted DLC
- Need for Speed Rivals (PS3 & PS4)
- Need for Speed Rivals DLC (PS3 & PS4)
- Need For Speed The Run
- Need For Speed The Run DLC
- Shift 2 Unleashed
- Shift 2 Unleashed DLC
- EA Sports NHL 16 (PS4)
- EA Sports NHL Legacy Edition
- NHL 13
- NHL 14
- NHL 15 (PS3 & PS4)
- Peggle 2 (PS4)
- Peggle 2 Magical Masters Edition (PS4)
- EA Sports Rory McIlroy PGA Tour (PS4)
- Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare (PS3 & PS4)
- Populous The Beginning
- Shank
- Shank 2
- SimCity 2000
- Star Wars Battlefront (PS4)
- Star Wars Battlefront Deluxe Edition (PS4)
- Star Wars Battlefront Ultimate Edition (PS4)
- Street Skater 2
- Syndicate Wars
- Theme Park
- Warp
- Zuma
Digitale Rabatte:
- Minecraft: Story Mode - Season Pass (PS3 & PS4)
- Skullgirls 2nd Encore (PS4)
- Rogue Legacy (PS3, PS4, PS Vita)
- Bombing Busters (PS4, PS Vita)
- The Bridge (PS3, PS4, PS Vita)
- Badland: Game of the Year Edition (PS3, PS4, PS Vita)
- Three Fourths Home: Extended Edition (PS4, PS Vita)
- Cosmophony (PS3, PS4, PS Vita)
- Teslagrad (PS3, PS4, PS Vita)
- Dungeon Defenders II (Collector's Edition) (PS4)
- Dungeon Defenders II (Defender's Pack) (PS4)
- Dungeon Defenders II (Starter Pack) (PS4)
- Dungeon Defenders II Collector's Edition Upgrade (PS4)
- Minecraft: Story Mode - Episode 1 (PS3 & PS4)
- Minecraft: Story Mode - Episode 2 (PS3 & PS4)
- Minecraft: Story Mode - Episode 3 (PS3 & PS4)
- Minecraft: Story Mode - Episode 4 (PS3 & PS4)
- The Jackbox Party Bundle (PS3 & PS4)
- The Jackbox Party Pack 2 (PS3 & PS4)
- Dragon's Lair (PS3)
- Dragon's Lair II: Time Warp (PS3)
- Starwhal (PS3 & PS4)
- Awesomenauts (PS3)
- Dreamals (PS4)
- Ziggurat (PS4)
- La-Mulana EX (PS Vita)
- Awesomenauts Assemble! (PS4)
- Awesomenauts Assemble! Digital Collector's Edition (PS4)
- Awesomenauts Assemble! Power Pack (PS4)
- Awesomenauts Assemble! Starstorm Expansion Character Bundle (PS4)
- Awesomenauts - Costume Party DLC (PS4)
- Awesomenauts - Costume Party 2 DLC (PS4)
Just Cause 3 - Test-Video zum explosiven Open-World-Kracher
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