Für die PC- und PS4-Version des Rennspiels Project CARS hat der Entwickler Slightly Mad Studios einen Patch auf die Version 4.0 veröffentlicht. Der 1,2 Gigabyte große Patch nimmt unter anderem Verbesserungen im Online-Modus, der Fahrphysik, an Bremshilfen und Ideallinien, der AI, der Karriere und verschiedenen Fahrzeugen vor. Der Patch für die Xbox-One-Version wird laut Entwickler nachgeliefert.
- Online - added support for 'Force Default Setups' in Multiplayer restrictions screen.
- Online - players driving the wrong way will now have their collision disabled and their vehicles will display as ghost cars.
- Online - lobby search settings are now saved between sessions.
- Career - mandatory pitstop opening lap will now scale when the player scales the length of the race. For example, if the race was set to 5 laps, the pits would open for the mandatory stop on lap 2. If the player now scales the race length to 15 laps, the pits will open on lap 6 for the mandatory pitstop.
- HUD - when adjusting real-time settings, for example Brake Balance, the player will now see a HUD message to indicate what the setting has been changed to. The HUD will display "N/A" in the real-time settings HUD, messaging when a specific setting is not available due to it being disabled in MP session or not present on the vehicle.
- GUI - added a game version number display to the main menu.
- Assists - Enhanced Brake Assistance system so that people who are unable to use brake controllers at all can still play the game with this assist enabled.
- Assists - the Best Line assist now provides an option to only show the braking areas
- Tracks - Movable trackside objects and broken-off car parts will now be removed from the track after impacts.
Die kompletten Release-Notes im Detail gibt es auf der Webseite des Entwicklers.
Project Cars - Neuer Fahrzeug-DLC »Old vs. New« im Trailer
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