Der Entwickler Blizzard Entertainment hat sein Wort gehalten und jetzt den von vielen Fans scharf kritisierten Bug im Ranked-Modus von Overwatch beseitigt.
Zu diesem Zweck steht ab sofort der Patch zum Download bereit. Darin ist unter anderem ein Fix enthalten, der verhindern soll, dass eine Ranked-Partie nach kurzer Verbindungsunterbrechung als Niederlage gewertet wird, obwohl eigentlich ein Sieg errungen wurde.
Ebenfalls interessant: Overwatch - Teaser: Neuer Held muss Teamkollegen erschießen
Des Weiteren haben die Entwickler einen Leaver-Bug beseitigt und einige PC-spezifische Änderungen vorgenommen. Hier die vollständige Liste der Neuerungen:
Patch-Notes für Overwatch v1.0.5.1B
Competitive Play
- [PC Only] The duration of Sudden Death has been adjusted across all maps from 1m45s to the following values:
- Hanamura - 1m35s
- Temple of Anubis - 1m30s
- Volskaya Industries - 1m35s
- Dorado - 1m30s
- Route 66 - 1m35s
- Watchpoint: Gibraltar - 1m35s
- King's Row - 1m30s
- Numbani - 1m50s
- [PC Only] Fixed a bug that prevented Overtime music from playing on Escort and Assault/Escort maps, if the payload was nearing the final checkpoint
- [PC Only] Fixed a bug where display settings weren't always saved after restarting the client
- [PC Only] Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the in-game UI to display incorrectly at 4k resolutions
- [PC Only] Fixed a bug where sometimes the wrong player level would appear in the Social menu
- [PC Only] Fixed an issue with collision not blocking line of sight on certain areas of Nepal
- [PC Only] Fixed a bug that caused Mercy's Caduceus Staff beam to disconnect from its target if the player a) quickly switched between healing and damage beams by holding down both mouse buttons and/or b) was facing away from the target at the time of the switch
- [PC Only] Fixed even more bugs that allowed Reaper to Shadow Step to unintended locations on certain maps
- [PC Only] Fixed a bug that caused Winston's melee attack during Primal Rage to inconsistently hit targets in range
- [PC Only] Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Zarya's alternate fire to scale incorrectly with her damage boost modifier
Competitive Play
- [PC Only] Fixed a bug that caused the "Top 500" icon to incorrectly display for certain players in various places throughout the game UI
- Fixed an issue where if you left and rejoined an in-progress Competitive Play match, the game would still track the match as a loss in your placement match history and when determining the amount of Skill Rating you receive for completing a match even if your team won
- Note: You must be present for the conclusion of the match to be eligible for the win. If you leave a match and do not rejoin again before it's over, it will count as a loss both in placement match history and when calculating your Skill Rating adjustment.
- Fixed an issue where you would still receive a Competitive Play "leave" penalty even if you rejoined a match and completed it
- Note: If you leave a single Competitive Play match more than 3 times, you will receive a Competitive Play "leave" penalty even if you complete the match.
Overwatch - Competitive Play: So funktioniert der Ranglisten-Modus
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