Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition - Release von Update 8 wohl noch im Januar, Patch-Notes

Der Entwickler 4J Studios hofft, dass der Release von Update 8 für das Sandbox-Spiel Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition noch im Verlauf des Januars erfolgt. Allerdings befindet sich der Patch noch bei der Zertifizierung. Außerdem gibt es die Patch-Notes zu lesen.

Das Update 8 für Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition erscheint in Kürze. Das Update 8 für Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition erscheint in Kürze.

Sollte alles nach Plan verlaufen, erscheint das Update 8 für das Sandbox-Spiel Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition noch im Verlauf des Januars 2013. Dies gab der zuständige Entwickler 4J Studios jetzt via Twitter bekannt. Allerdings könne das Team diesen Release-Termin noch nicht garantieren, da sich das Update derzeit noch immer in der Zertifizierung befinde.

Außerdem liegen mittlerweile die vollständigen Patch-Notes für das Update 8 von Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition vor. Demnach wird der umfangreiche Patch unter anderem einige Crash-Probleme beseitigen, die allgemeine Performance des Spiels verbessern und diverse andere Fehler behoben. Unterhalb dieser Meldung findet ihr die besagten Patch-Notes.

Patch-Notes für Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition (Update 8)

- Fix for random crash on Kick Player.
- Fix for a random crash on loading the tutorial.
- Fix for freeze when writing on a sign as an autosave starts.
- Fix for crash when attempting to enter an online enabled game session after losing connection to the Xbox LIVE
- Performance improvement for the Enchantment interface.
- Fix to display a message when monsters are nearby on trying to sleep in a bed.
- Fix for an issue causing blocks to reappear after being destroyed when the server is busy.
- Fix for Experience Orbs being invisible for a period of time when created.
- Fix to force a Nether Fortress, Blaze Spawner and Nether Wart to always be present in the Nether for a newly created world.
- Fix for autosave not working when the host has gone into an idle state.
- Fix to increase the spawn rate for Mooshrooms.
- Change to make Blazes drop Glowstone Dust as well as Blaze Rods.
- Fix to player experience level display in two player vertical splitscreen mode.
- Fix for Quick Move not being possible while holding something in the cursor.
- Fix for armor position on Bad Santa when sat down.
- Changed "Download Content" menu to "Minecraft Store".
- New photo frames for avatar items in the Minecraft Store.
- Fix for Magma Cube hit boxes.
- Added an Awkward Potion to the Potions page in the Creative Menu.
- Fix to show the aura of enchanted items for other players in an online game.
- Fix for tools enchanted with Unbreaking occasionally repairing themselves.
- Changes to improve breeding - Love Mode status is now network synchronised, and animals react more correctly if spawn limits are reached when breeding.
- Fix for issue with "Take Half" in the Brewing Stand interface.
- Fix to allow the map to be displayed when the player has turned off Display Hand.
- Fix for potion effects being removed after using the Nether Portal.
- Fix to stop the item in hand being changed when traveling to/from the Nether.
- Fix for Compass not pointing to the original spawn point after having been in The Nether.
- Fix to allow players to be able to eat food even if they are not allowed to build and mine.
- Fix to allow client players to toggle Custom Skin Animation.
- Fix for player gamertag border color being wrong after a respawn/dimension change.
- Fix for issue in splitscreen where it was possible to craft items without a player having the resources required.
- Fix to remove the Love Mode tooltip when animals are unable to enter Love Mode.
- Change to moderator option description in the Host and Player Options.
- Fix for the submerged edge of the world emitting a faint light.
- Fix for lighting issue with mobs in water.
- Fix to stop food being removed when feeding animals in Creative Mode.
- Fix to stop Bones being removed when taming wolves in Creative Mode.
- Change to make baby wolves tame when born.
- Fix for Blaze Rods not being identified as fuel for a furnace.
- Fix for issue with sky lighting values making bedrock layer fully lit.

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Genre: Action

Release: 18.11.2011 (PC), 03.09.2014 (PS4), 05.09.2014 (Xbox One), 12.05.2017 (Switch), weitere ...