Der Entwickler 343 Industries ist noch immer sehr eifrig und hat ein weiteres Update für die Shooter-Sammlung Halo: The Master Chief Collection veröffentlicht.
Einer der Highlights ist dabei sicherlich die Koop-Kampagne »Spartan Ops« für Halo 4, die insgesamt zehn Episoden enthält. Des Weiteren hat das Team zusätzliche Verbesserungen beim Matchmaking vorgenommen, etwas an der Benutzeroberfläche gefeilt sowie die allgemeine Stabilität der Spiele optimiert. Die vollständigen Patch-Notes findet ihr unterhalb dieser Meldung.
Patch-Notes für Halo: The Master Chief Collection
Spartan Ops
- Added the entirety of Halo 4’s Spartan Ops mode
- Made an update to make sure a match only starts when teams are even.
- Players will now receive a ‘loss’ when disconnecting before a round has ended.
- Made an update to include all split screen players in vote tally.
- Resolved an issue that caused players to become stuck “Joining Session.”
- Resolved an issue where players could be dropped from matchmaking after disconnecting their controller.
General Multiplayer Update
- Made additional improvements to Halo: CE hit registration.
- Made an update to the “Halo 2: Anniversary Career Progress” page to ensure achievements are correctly tracked.
- Fixed an issue where it took a long time to join players that are in a Multiplayer lobby.
General UI/Menu Updates
- Made additional improvements to Roster update times.
- Fixed Halo 3 game type text when viewing saved data in “My Files”.
Halo 2: Anniversary Campaign
- Fixed an issue where the ‘Black Eye Skull’ incorrectly prevented players from reaching checkpoints.
Campaign Playlists
- Fixed an issue where cross-game playlists could fail to progress to the next level.
- Made several fixes to Campaign Playlist Carnage Reports.
- Fixed an issue where Halo 3 Cooperative Playlist progress would not save correctly when completing a mission.
- Made changes to ensure that Competitive Scoring and Timing are tracked correctly in Halo CE and Halo 2 Campaign Playlists.
Stats & Medals
- Made updates to improve stat tracking.
- Fixed an issue where the “Steaktacular” medal would not be correctly awarded in Halo 3.
- Fixed an issue where the “Supercombine” medal would be incorrectly awarded in the Halo 4 Campaign.
- Made an update to ensure that the “Flaming Ninja Anniversary” achievement unlocks when prerequisites are met.
Control Layouts
- Updated the Halo 2 “Boxer” Button Layout.
- Updated the Halo 4 “Legacy” Thumbstick Layout.
General Stability
- Made several updates to improve overall game stability.
» Den Test von Halo: The Master Chief Collection auf lesen
Halo: The Master Chief Collection - Test-Video zum Halo-Komplettpaket
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