Genshin Impact wird stetig erweitert und sehr bald steht das Update auf Version 1.4 an. Das bringt zunächst vor allem die neue spielbare Figur Rosaria, aber auch noch haufenweise andere Neuerungen. Da wären zum Beispiel zusätzliche Features, neue Waffen, weitere Events und Quests sowie jede Menge kleine Verbesserungen. Hier findet ihr auch alle Infos zum Zeitpunkt, die Patch Notes und den ganzen Rest.
Genshin Impact: Alles, was ihr zum Update auf Version 1.4 wissen müsst
Wann kommt Version 1.4? Am 17. März, also übermorgen. Der Download sollte ab 23 Uhr mitteleuropäischer Zeit zur Verfügung stehen, aber das Entwicklerstudio MiHoYo warnt, dass die exakten Zeiten sich noch ändern können.
Wie groß ist das Update? Eine genaue Angabe in GB-Größe gibt es aktuell noch nicht. Allerdings wird darauf hingewiesen, dass alle, die Genshin Impact auf iOS oder Android spielen, das Update aufgrund der umfangreichen Downloadgröße idealerweise über eine W-LAN-Verbindung herunterladen sollten.
Wie lange sind die Server offline? Aktuell geht MiHoYo davon aus, dass die Genshin Impact-Server insgesamt ungefähr fünf Stunden offline sein könnten.
So funktioniert das Update: Spielt ihr auf der PS4, wählt Genshin Impact auf dem Startbildschirm aus und drückt den Optionen-Knopf. Anschließend könnt ihr nach Updates suchen. Auf iOS und Android geht es am einfachsten über den App Store beziehungsweise Google Play.
Das gibt es als Entschädigung: Für die Downtime der Genshin Impact-Server bekommen alle, die bis zum 17. März Abenteuerrang 5 erreicht haben, qualifizieren sich für eine Entschädigung. Dieses Mal erhaltet ihr 300 Urgestein. Das ist nicht ungewöhnlich für Spiele mit Gacha- beziehungsweise Stamina-Systemen und hat auch bei Genshin Impact bereits Tradition:
Genshin Impact: Version 1.4-Update führt neuen Charakter Rosaria ein
Krieger-Nonne Rosaria: Mit Version 1.4 führt Genshin Impact die neue spielbare Figur Rosaria ein. Bei dem Vier-Sterne-Charakter handelt es sich um ein Nonne, die mit einer Stangenwaffe kämpft und auf das Eis-Element setzt.
Ihr könnt Rosaria hier im Trailer zu Version 1.4 sehen:
Genshin Impact: Trailer zu Update 1.4 zeigt imposante Kämpfe und neue Events
Das steckt sonst noch drin:
- Equipment: Version 1.4 bringt natürlich auch neue Waffen wie Schwerter, Bögen und mehr.
- Events: Das Windblume-Festival stellt euch vor jede Menge Herausforderungen, bei denen ihr zwei neue Währungen einheimsen könnt.
- Features: Mit Hilfe von Story-Keys könnt ihr sogenannte Hangout-Events mit Barbara, Noelle, Chongyun und Bennett starten.
- Quests: Es gibt eine neue Archon-Quest, 8 neue Welt-Quests und viel mehr.
- Sonstiges: Ihr könnt jetzt euer Welt-Level herunterstufen, gegen neue Elite-Gegner antreten, neue Gerichte kochen und noch sehr viel mehr.
Hier findet ihr die Patch Notes zu Version 1.4 im englischsprachigen Original
I. New Character
4-Star Character "Thorny Benevolence" Rosaria (Cryo)
Vision: Cryo
Weapon: Polearm
A sister of the church, though you wouldn't know it if it weren't for her attire. Known for her sharp, cold words and manner, she often works alone.
Elemental Skill "Ravaging Confession": Quickly maneuvers behind the enemy (except for some large enemies) and unleashes an attack that deals Cryo DMG. Elemental Burst "Rites of Termination": Casts an Ice Lance into the ground that deals periodic bouts of AoE Cryo DMG.
II. New Equipment
New Weapons: Elegy for the End (5-Star Bow), The Alley Flash (4-Star Sword), Wine and Song (4-Star Catalyst), Alley Hunter (4-Star Bow), Windblume Ode (4-Star Bow)
Take part in the Invitation of Windblume event for a chance to obtain the event-exclusive weapon, Windblume Ode.
During the Event Wish "Epitome Invocation," from after the Version 1.4 update - 2021/04/06 15:59, the event-exclusive 5-star bow Elegy for the End, 5-star sword Skyward Blade, event-exclusive 4-star sword The Alley Flash, and event-exclusive 4-star catalyst Wine and Song will have their Wish drop rates greatly increased!
*Alley Hunter (Bow) will appear in a future Event Wish.
III. New Events
Take part in Version 1.4's flagship event "Invitation of Windblume" for a chance to obtain the bow, Windblume Ode.
Gameplay Duration: 2021/03/19 10:00 - 2021/04/05 03:59
Event Shop Duration: 2021/03/19 10:00 - 2021/04/12 03:59
Event Rules: Take part in challenges during the Windblume Festival to obtain two currencies: Festive Tour Tickets and Peculiar Collab Coupons. Spend these currencies at the Event Shop to purchase the event-exclusive weapon Windblume Ode and its exclusive refinement material "The Visible Winds," as well as the Crown of Insight and more.
Festive Anecdotes
Act I: 2021/03/19 10:00 - 2021/04/05 03:59
Act II: 2021/03/22 04:00 - 2021/04/05 03:59
Act III: 2021/03/25 04:00 - 2021/04/05 03:59
Act IV: 2021/03/28 04:00 - 2021/04/05 03:59
A series of Windblume Festival quests will become available during the event period. Four acts of "Festive Anecdotes" will unlock over the course of the event, each bringing new quests. Complete these quests to win rewards including Primogems, Character EXP Materials, and Mora.
More events to follow during Version 1.4.
IV. New Game Feature
New Feature: Hangout Events
After the Version 1.4 update, the new "Hangout Events" feature will be added to the game. Travelers who reach the required Adventure Rank and complete the prerequisite quests will be able to unlock Hangout Events for Barbara, Noelle, Chongyun, and Bennett using Story Keys. (Each Hangout Event requires 2 Story Keys to unlock.)
The Hangout Events feature unlocks at Adventure Rank 26. Story Keys are obtained by completing Daily Commissions (1 Story Key is awarded for every 8 commissions completed.)
V. New Quests
New Archon Quest
You hear from Ganyu and Lan that the Treasure Hoarders of Mondstadt and Liyue have banded together and plan to get involved in some ruins associated with the Abyss Order. Fearing the chaos that the Treasure Hoarders might cause through their involvement, you take up the commission and investigate...
The Archon Quest "Chapter I: Act IV - We Will Be Reunited" will become available at a later date. Stay tuned for more information.
New World Quests
A total of 8 world quests will become available over the course of the Windblume Festival.
Complete these quests to win Mora, Character EXP Materials, and more!
Windblume Festival world quests will no longer be available after the event ends on 2021/04/05 03:59
VI. Other Additions
New Elite Monster: Abyss Herald - Wicked Torrents (In Version 1.4, this monster will only appear in the Archon Quest)
New Gadgets: Windblume Festival Commemorative Balloon, Windsong Lyre, Endora
New Recipes:
Crispy Potato Shrimp Platter, Mint Jelly, Mint Salad, Minty Meat Rolls, Golden Chicken Burger, Golden Fried Chicken, Fragrant Mashed Potatoes
New Namecards: "Travel Notes: Windblume" and "Rosaria: Indenture"
New Achievements: Additions to the "Wonders of the World" category
Parametric Transformer: Now lets you add various ores as materials
Liyue NPC Changshun: Now additionally sells Potatoes, Sugar, Cheese, Cor Lapis, and Electro Crystal
Liyue NPC Bolai: Now additionally sells Apples, Sunsettias, Fish, and Starconches
Adjust World Level: After reaching World Level 5, the option to lower your World Level will be unlocked. Using this function, you can lower your World Level by 1. Each time you change your World Level, whether lowering it by 1 or restoring your World Level, you will be unable to change your World Level again for the following 24 hours.
After reaching Adventure Rank 60, any further Adventure EXP you receive will be converted to Mora at a rate of 10 Mora per Adventure EXP point.
Adds a new events/new content summary page to the mobile version of the game.
Co-Op Mode
In Co-Op Mode, Travelers can now see the idle animations of teammates' characters.
VII. Adjustments & Optimizations
Spiral Abyss
Starting from the first time that the Blessing of the Abyssal Moon changes after updating to Version 1.4, the two Blessings of the Abyssal Moon will be as follows:
Period I: Windward Moon
Characters possess an ATK-increasing Windward Aura that can increase their ATK by a maximum of 60%. For every opponent who steps within the Aura, the Aura's effect is decreased by 25%. When 4 or more opponents are within the Aura, this effect will not provide an ATK increase.
Period II: Skyward Moon
Hitting an opponent with a Plunging Attack decreases their DEF by 40% for 10s.
There will be no change to the reset times of the Spiral Abyss and Blessing of the Abyssal Moon. These remain the first and sixteenth days of each month, respectively.
Increases the maximum quantity of Condensed Resin that may be held. Travelers may now hold up to 5 Condensed Resin at any one time.
Optimizes the order of item drops: More valuable items will appear earlier in the list.
Optimizes the cooking function: After unlocking Auto Cook, the option Cook Manually remains.
Optimizes the Spiral Abyss challenge: Challenges can be restarted mid-stage; Elemental Resonance effects can be viewed from the character selection screen; adds the option to exit before entering the next floor.
Cooking, crafting, and forging functions remember your previous character selection.
Optimizes Xiao's expression when casting his Elemental Skill.
Optimizes the visual effect in Co-Op Mode when the camera makes contact with a teammate or NPC.
Optimizes camera close-up transitions in some domains and quests.
Optimizes the Original Resin replenishment screen: Travelers can view the quantity of Fragile Resin they own and decide which item to replenish Original Resin with more easily.
When you first download the game client on a mobile device, only the voice-over resources corresponding to your device's system language will be downloaded initially by default. (Example: Devices where the system language is set to English will download only English voice-over resources by default.) When you update the game client on a mobile device, voice-over resources will be downloaded for both the voice-over language corresponding to your device's system language and the currently selected voice-over language in the game. (Example: If your device's system language is set to English and you have selected Japanese voice-over in the game, both English and Japanese voice-over resources will be downloaded when you update the game.)
Travelers can download any additional voice-over languages they wish to use from within the game.
The Chinese voice artist for Amber is changed.
Adjusts the Chinese and Japanese voice-over for certain characters.
Adjusts the English voice-over for certain NPCs.
Adds Chinese voice-over for certain characters.
Adds dialogue voice-over to the Oceanid boss fight as well as certain sound effects for Oceanid Creatures.
Optimizes the sound effects for certain character skills and environments.
es the playback setting for the sound effect when characters take damage.
Adjusts the appearance of Rosaria.
Fixes an issue whereby some characters who have not hit a target with an attack can jump while returning to a standby pose and thus perform a Plunging Attack.
*Additional Note: We are paying close attention to the possible impact of other operations that can produce the same effect. If we have plans to change them in the future, we will announce that as soon as possible.
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